Saturday, April 30, 2011

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Gemma Alias: "I trained throughout her pregnancy, like a sumo wrestler" in Japanese Kanji

compete with Spain in the European Championships in Zurich. Gema

Alias \u200b\u200bhas led many titles as karateka in the category of less than 55 kilograms, but should take the trophy for reconciling work and family life because he works, training and care as anyone to his two children. 31 years George has discovered the formula to continue competing as a professional and take care of their own with an overwhelming vitality. Last year he was champion of Spain (individual and team) and in a few days will be in Zurich for the selection fight English for the European scepter. We met her at the gym Wellness Center, where he trains and, to our surprise, there is his family ...

Your two sons, Fernando and Valentine, play in the gym while your husband, Fernando, will train. Karate is your passion and it seems that your entire family ... It's nice to see how all your support.

I support, but it is very difficult. Work in the morning, afternoon workout, make meals, care for children, traveling and find someone to stay with the children ... It is impossible. But since I started with Fernando always I knew I wanted to be a mother and did not think both in the competition.

How did you meet your husband?

teaches me since I have 14 years, he started in karate. I gave the first class beach and as I liked and I joined the gym today. (We cut off one of his sons as his brother is doing to rage. Gema gets up immediately and place order).

impressions ... If you were my mother I will obey the first

(laughs). Yes, the truth is where I put a lot of sugarcane, but they are very good. Behave very well.

What changed in your role as karateka with pregnancy?

The most logical is that when a girl is mother to stop to train and compete, but not me. Change, you have more responsibility and when you travel you have to think about many things and a lot of stress. If it were not for Fernando ... Need more help for everything, but nothing in the competition, I feel the same. With more I trained for nine months (laughs). Yes the hype, like a sumo wrestler, but karate adapt to your situation. You must be 60 years and doing karate and adapt it to your age and being pregnant and doing karate.

So never let

karate competition Well, no and I'll leave when my head says enough.

Fernando is your main support, right?

Yes, he does a coach, psychologist, father and everything. It is also very good training and was the sixth youngest Dan Spain. It helps me a lot because he also has to teach at the gym with the kids because otherwise I could not train. Fernando, my eldest son is orange belt, but the small, Valentine is still very small. Take the "KIMONO" because I asked (laughs).

Without karate suit felt out

family (laughs). Yes, yes ... In addition they will do karate until 18, then we will decide, but up to 18 is required. What's in their blood. Do not get

any help from public institutions?

No. I'm the only woman on the national team of Spain with children. I do not get support or sponsor me ... About all I ask is that I subsidize sponsors trips, equipment, and stuff. Speaking

travel ... The next is to Zurich to attend the European to the national team, right?

The championship will be held from 6 to 8 May and go with all the encouragement and for medals. Yes, this year I think to come with medals because I have anxiety. Then I have the championship of the Regions in Turkey with the selection of Madrid, who have been third in Spain.

What has been your best moment as karateka?

The third European Championship Zagreb 2009, as well as always travels with me was superbonito Fernando. Whenever you can travel with me because it's like my psychologist, but he has to pay travel, you must make the classes ... But it is what it is.

're in the city but live in the neighborhood for ten years Espartales. Would you go to Alcalá?. I am delighted

Alcalá, I have everything close by and the people are very good and we are very close neighbors, so good. In addition, the City treats me very well, I've been herald during Carnival and all. Although it should help a little more ... But little by little.


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Antonio in Japanese kanji and meaning of Japanese characters and in their ascendant Chinese.

In Japanese

安 An, Yasui : cheap, easy, peaceful. To
: near, fence, wall.
人 Nin, Jin, milestone : Person.男
Dan, Nan, otoko : man, male.

In Chinese

安 ān : safe, quiet.
堵 dǔ : block.人 rén
: Man, person.男
nán : man (male).

The first character 安 ān.

is represented by two characters, overlapping. Is the pictogram of a woman under the roof 宀 女 home, what makes you the man "quiet."

dǔ 堵 The second character.
is a composite character of land by radical 土, when writing to the left, is used to describe land-related objects and their qualities. The character represents the partition, the division between anterior and posterior 者.

者 zhe: Used as adherence to an idea, or a profession. It also means believer. It's an old 老 (lao) spoken 日. His radical and lǎo 耂 老 lao: elderly. Deriving from an ancient pictograph, which is mixed rén 人: 毛 ma man: hair, wool.

The third character is rén 人.

is the first character in the dictionary and derived from the pictogram of a man standing in front, legs open. Simplified two-strokes from each of his feet to the head.

The fourth character is 男 nan.

This pictograph means masculinity, as it is, a person responsible for applying their strength 力 (lì) for the cultivation of the fields 田 (Tian).

This character comes from an ancient pictograph, which showed a field and plow under 方 (fang), over time the plow was replaced by the representative character of biceps 力 (lì), as the symbol of force.

's character 男 nán , depicts a man who is courageous, tenacious, powerful, and so on.

hanzi 汉字 In / 汉字 Antonio is written Chinese.

安东尼 奥 in Piying: An Dong ní Àor .

That, as is evident contains other meanings except An 安 .

But that will be in another post ...

Friday, April 29, 2011

Yy Japeneseporcelin Blog


Could Opening Licence grant and Installation of a commercial establishment on the premises on the ground floor of a building under construction in phase structure that is paralyzed?
Pere-Joan Torrent Riberto. Advocate
If we apply rigorous urban planning regulations, the answer must be negative, for the following reasons. A building structure being paralyzed, has the license expired, in all likelihood. You do not say how long it has been paralyzed, or which is the term under license or under the rules in your community had the developer to complete the works. It is true that the license expiration does not occur automatically, but the City Council must explicitly declare, after hearing the licensee. But it is very probable that the lapse has already occurred. And therefore, the City Council should instruct the record to declare license expiration. And in a building only to the structure, and without planning permission, and no final certificate of work, it seems possible to grant a license for construction and installation of a commercial establishment in the basement, and then grant the license to open such an establishment.
Against this position I regard as the most legally and safely on the other hand for the municipal architect for the municipality, other doctrine would enable economic activity to this employer. That the employer submit a draft work to end completely the low and turn them into a commercial establishment, the building permit process in the basement of this building, and grant a license, regardless of whether the overall structure of the building without a license, has expired since it was granted in his day. For me personally it does not seem quite right this second option, and therefore I would not advise it. Indeed
a month ago has expired. However what we have now is another project to equip the basement of the building. Would it be possible to grant an extension to the original license of the building? If so, could grant permission for starting activities with a final completion certificate part of the initial license and a Certificate of Completion of the refurbishment of the premises, being that in this case the work would resume, although not would be completed at the time of granting the license to open?
Pere-Joan Torrent Riberto. Advocate
1. I can not comment on whether or not to grant an extension of planning permission to build the building, because it depends on the regional legislation, I know. But in many autonomous regions that would not be possible, because they can not grant extensions of the licenses if they are not requested before the license expires. In any case, if a license can not be extended, then that is not serious because you can request a new one. It's just a problem of having to pay back the fee for granting license. The only serious situation that involves a revocation of the license, is whether this lapse of time, planning had been altered so that RICE impossible to grant a new license to the original project. If this has not happened, the revocation of a license is a simple matter of economics, relatively important.
2. As for the rest of the questions, I repeat what I have written the first response. If done all as you explain, at least there is a reasonable appearance of legality. But I think it is still dangerous to grant a partial building permit and a license to operate in a building structure with expired license, ie without a license in regard to the whole building. If one day an accident occurred in this place, attributable or not the state of the abandoned structure, I do not like to be the architect who has made a favorable report on the local license of the bass. And I do not like to defend the City against the probable liability claims that could be brought against him.
3. One difference would be if the building works in general continue to license extended or a new license.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Alcoholics Have Big Stomachs

The Spanish national train karate for two years in Quintanar de la Orden.

Quintanar de la Orden (Toledo), Apr 28 (EFE) .-
Karate The English team will train for two years in the new National Sports Center for Modernization of Quintanar de la Orden, according to the agreement signed between the municipality of the town of Toledo and the Federation Karate English.

The agreement, initialed by Councilman quintanareño, Javier Ubeda, and the English Federation president, Antonio Moreno, states that the national team, both athletes and technicians, carry out a plan of modernization for seven days of July 2011 and 2012.

Thus, Quintanar host for a week to the best karate (male and female) national technical as well as the national federation and castellanomanchegos who want to go, freely.

The choice of the locality, besides the good relationship between council and the Federation, is given because the municipality " interested in karate and moves sport," said Antonio Moreno.

Moreno explained that the activities conducted at the Center for Modernization are specific training with the national elite karate and, incidentally, will seek regional support to train karate with one another " and they expect some those selected. Before choosing

Quintanar, during these past years Modernization Center for National Karate was in Logroño (La Rioja), "where we were treated excellently " said Moreno, "but to decide to change thought in Quintanar .
The mayor, meanwhile, stressed that the council continues with the strategy of using geographical location as a way of promoting the city and sport through karate.

"We are willing to contribute, from the sports side so that our many local karate have the opportunity to learn from the elite and also from the economic side that favors the hospitality and tourism, "he said.

The municipality of Quintanar, besides giving its sports-flag gym and indoor pool, for the location of the National Sports Center for Modernization of Karate, also run with the support of the 45 people who make up the entire national team.

Signing the agreement were also present the greatest president of the Federation of Karate Castilian-Manchego, Javier Piñieno, and the technician responsible and DA RFEK, Pedro Egea. 1010497 EFE

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Milena Velba My Vintage

Green Tea and Tai Chi to strengthen bones XXXIII

Take green tea and make
Tai Chi helps strengthen bones. ◦

Paper presented at the Experimental Biology Conference 2011.

The experts also identified benefits associated with emotional and mental health

WASHINGTON, USA (12/ABR/2011) .- Drinking green tea and practicing Tai Chi, an oriental martial art characterized by its slow movements, can help strengthen bones, according to a study presented at the Experimental Biology Conference 2011.

Dr. Chwan-Li Shen , Institute investigator Laura W. Bush to women's health at the University of Texas, has studied for 20 years how some of the Eastern traditions can contribute to improving the health of Westerners. Starting

of ancient traditions, that of tea, which has become a common practice around the world and whose benefits have been demonstrated in several studies due to the antioxidant capacity of polyphenols it contains.

Polyphenols are a group of chemicals found in plants and fruit peel, which help the body to synthesize them to increase their antioxidant capacity.

More than a dozen scientific studies have found that those who consume higher levels of polyphenols, green tea in particular, tend to have lower risk of chronic degenerative diseases and cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis.

The most recent study of Shen focuses on the synergy of the benefits of Green Tea and Tai Chi to strengthen bones, for which he worked with a sample of 171 postmenopausal women with weak bones problems without going to osteoporosis.

The medical team divided them into four groups: the first received a pill of starch, as a placebo, and did not practice Tai Chi, the second took 500 grams of green tea a day without exercise Tai Chi.

The third group took the placebo and performed Tai Chi three times a week, while the fourth took green tea and practiced Tai Chi.

During the six months of the experiment, the doctors took blood and urine of participants and calculated muscle strength.

The result, presented at the congress held in the U.S. capital, suggests that moderate consumption of green tea resulted in an increase in bone strength of women who took the infusion in three months and six in the case of those who practiced Tai Chi.

But doctors stressed that women who took you and practicing the martial art reduced biomarkers related to oxidative stress, associated with degenerative diseases and aging.

The experts also identified benefits associated with emotional and mental health in women who performed Tai Chi compared to those without.

Both practices are presented as an aid to reducing not only the effects of osteoporosis, but also other inflammatory diseases that can affect this population well-being of mind.

SOURCE: The People.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Mastrubate With Water

Decomposition of chronic brain instead

still in their productive years Dr. Arturo Rosenblueth decided to return to Mexico to promote scientific research in a center of the Polytechnic after he shared the glory with Wierner Norbert and his conception of cybernetics, as can be seen in a beautiful book: The Human Use of Human Beings. is unlikely that there is no state in the minds of Ranulfo Romo this example of faith in their own country and young people are formed in the study of the brain, ie, in neurophysiology, where in 1989 after having studied and researched in Paris, Fribourg (Switzerland) and Johns Hopkins (Baltimore) UNAM joined and participated in the creation, with support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Institute of Cellular Physiology. Ranulfo Romo account in the conference entering the National College on 9 March and completed journey that began as a student and research abroad. Cree Ranulfo Romo scientific work is a very complex human activity. From a very young enjoyed the privilege it is to observe nature with freedom and without time limit. Born in an area (Ures Guadalupe, Sonora, 1954) with harsh climates and therefore the natural adversity has never been employed. While in first year of medicine at the UNAM, where he 19, took a course in neurology and neurosurgery, led by a researcher of the nervous system: Dr. Marcos Velasco, who was asked to accept him in his lab and assist their experiments. He studied in Paris with Jacques Glowinski, with Wolfram Schultz at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, and with Vernon Mountcastle at Johns Hopkins University. "At that moment I knew my place was in the study of the neurobiology of perception also had not lost the belief back to my country." In Mexico "remains limited support to research, but my experience and my feelings make me persevere in the idea that also can make excellent science from Mexico. " Throughout the narrative builds Ranulfo Romo you realize how different experiments have led him to understand that, for example, working memory is a mental state that allows us to make conscious events of the past and bring this , and represents a useful process to reflect and make decisions. It is difficult to find a human being who is not interested and fascinated brain function. So the neurosciences are beginning to have a very good extension and the work of neurologists we can present an intelligible: a narrative such as the Sonoran Conference: "Chronic brain." Ranulfo Romo's study was the first to demonstrate causal relationships between neural activity and conscious experience: the brain represents the feelings and turns them into perceptions, memories and decisions. Their findings are key to understanding the human brain, "that in the XXI century we ignore almost everything" and remains Terra incognita. Unlike the rest of the economy, nature in its infinite complexity has undertaken to preserve their secrets, "perhaps because the brain is the basic intelligence, evil, or love, just what makes us different from the rest of Universe and therefore as incomprehensible. " * * * Postscript: It has been in some bookstores DF magazine The Brain (spring 2011), published by the publisher of Discover. Displayed on it the biggest stars of neurophysiology. First, as is natural and logical, Dr. Santiago Ramon y Cajal (from an obscure academic post in Zaragoza, in 1883, at age 31), and then one of the most notable of now: Gerald Edelman, the Institute of Neuroscience in San Diego, California. And they are: VS Ramachandran, Colombian Rodolfo Llinas, Oliver Sacks, Sir Charles Sherrington, Giulio Tononi, Antonio Damasio, Steven Pinker. In one of the articles mentioned The Brain "a group of Mexican researchers in 2009 conducted a study in monkeys" by the way of an essay on the subjectivity of the mental time and where bargaining is not mentioned by name-no is the first time, researchers from the Institute of Cellular Physiology, UNAM.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Cover Up After Waxing

Santander, 16 and 17 April 2011 PROVISIONAL AGENDA

SATURDAY APRIL 16, 08,30 h. TOMORROW Repechage

QUALIFYING AND KATA fry and juveniles (male and female) Repechage KATA
fry (male and female) trophy

FINAL KATA INFANTIL (male and female)
YOUTH KATA (male and female) trophy

SATURDAY APRIL 16, LATE 16,00 h. Repechage

17.30 h.

YOUNG WOMEN -43 KG. And -50 KG.


(Male and female) Repechage
-60 KG.

Video Summary 2011 Championship of Spain Children

Castilla-La Mancha 3 rd in the medals.

Two champions, Ana Isabel Palomo 1 st child in kata and Ruben Fernandez Valle 1 in kumite. Joining a long list of karate Mancha, three silvers and five bronzes. Ten medals in total, making good on the work of this season.

What Does The New Ohio License Look Like


Can partial plans to report technical architects, general, and the like?
Pere-Joan Torrent Riberto. Advocate
do not know if this is the big question, but if not, little is missing. If we talk about competition to write, first I must say that planning instruments are always reviewed by the municipal technical services, and the Autonomous Community, which is not about particular works projects, which are executed a simple municipal license, without being reviewed for technical content or constructive. It is therefore very different for the legislation and case law relevant to talk about how to draft planning tools, which qualified technicians for drafting projects. The latter affects the safety of citizens. In contrast, planning instruments, who the editor is less important that anyone who reviews it and approves it. Secondly I must say that in urban technical no exclusive competence, and says so repeatedly in the jurisprudence, it also argues that urbanism is a multidisciplinary field. Traditionally the architects' associations have argued that only have the power to draft planning instruments architects and civil engineers. However, this statement does not currently support either legal or jurisprudential. It is true that in the curricula of technical architects, at least for me I know a few years ago, were not matters relating to town planning, but this is changing fast, in the interest of the various professions in order to cover the work that may arise in the field of urbanism. So far, we have different occupations and careers outside the traditional, which affect the work of urbanism: geographers, environmentalists, engineers, etc ... If all the above refers to the issue of drafting planning instruments, it appears that remain to be much more open in regard to your question: CAN THE TECHNICAL ARCHITECTS, (I assume you're referring to the city) REPORT OF PLANNING INSTRUMENTS? My answer is: because their education in this regard is limited, I think that for a surveyor may exercise the role of information security planning tools, additional training should be about, or a proven experience, and I think the ideal would be to exercise this role under the supervision of an architect. Now, if they can or can not ever affect the legality of the adoption of planning instrument, could affect the municipal responsibility to entrust an important task to a staff unprepared for it.

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SOURCE: Efe-A.Gómez
Two athletes, tennis player Guillermo Garcia-Lopez and President of the Royal English Federation of Karate, Antonio Moreno Marqueño , along with gymnast Sainz Cristina Albacete also receive Gold Medals Sports Merit at the fifteenth edition of the Sports Gala de Castilla-La Mancha, which will be held on April 15 in Toledo. The late

Alejandro Rodríguez, club rescue Albasit and Cebrián Llanos Albacete are the other distinguished by the Board

The English
football, recognized in the category of "fair play , and handball club of Guadalajara will be other outstanding winners, they will receive the golden plates, in an event where 37 awards were granted, it was announced yesterday capital in the Castilian-Manchego the Minister of Education and Science, Maria Angeles Garcia, and the Director General of Sport, Roberto Parra.

For the province of Albacete, will also be awarded the silver medal posthumously and former world champion glider Alejandro Rodriguez Fernandez, who died last year in a sporting accident in Chinchilla. The same distinction will Llanos Cebrián, vice president of the English Federation of Gymnastics, mientras that in him shall the collective, he Albasit Club lifeguard service to receive the silver plate.

Rounding out the list of Gold medals David de Gea (football); Matias Gomes (karate); Maria Teresa Mendes (Lucha), Rodrigo and Francisco turrets turrets (canoeing), Francisco José Cabanas (sports promotion), Irene Morales (rescue) and Fernando Alarza (triathlon).

The list of silver medals to complete Deogracias Villalta (athletics), Javier Rodriguez (Badminton), Jose Javier Grijalva (basketball), Simeon Lalande (hunting) José Manuel Ortega (judo and sports partners), Valentin Muñoz (petanque), Rafael Andrés Mombiedro, José de la Puente and de la Rosa Miguel Angel Martin (sports promotion ) and Francisco del Amo (volleyball).

For its part, will receive bronze medals José Nieto (football), Jesus Child (football), Domingo Díaz-Parra (sports promotion) and Juan José Hernández (archery).

As the plates, besides the two aforementioned gold, silver will be delivered Basketball Club Almagro (basketball); Elecco Coblanca Madridejos (handball), the Capacity Challenge 2010, lowering the Tagus (sports for disabled), the San Lucas Fencing Club (Fencing), the Alcarria Wado Ryu Karate Club Do (karate); Inporman (sports promotion) and the selection of Castilla-La Mancha triathlon.

These awards are given to athletes, promoters, coaches and institutions that have been most noted for his sporting work. In the fifteen years that have been giving these awards, the Board has given over 900 awards.

Antonio Jimenez Milla: Recognition and Justice

in the delivery of prizes to all a manager who is endorsed by their competence, Marqueño Don Antonio Moreno, president of the Royal English Federation of Karate and Karate Federation Iberomericana.

a champion, Don Matías Gómez , English Karate undeniable promise and deserved his award.

posthumously to Don Alejandro Rodríguez Fernández , who died in their practice of hang gliding in Chinchilla (Albacete), last summer. This athlete was a student of mine (like its siblings), and the best thing is that I I was a student of his father Don Felix Rodriguez de la Hoz , which represents for me the first and foremost issue to be a master of karate "HUMILITY " and " RIGHTEOUSNESS." Félix Rodríguez de la Hoz was the pioneer of karate in Albacete.

For their children have been world champions in acrobatic paragliding team mode are all practitioners of the glider, Raul and Felix. From this humble blog, a memory Alex ...

Plate for "CLUB " Wado Ryu Karate Do Karate Alcarria, which awards the work undoubtedly provided flooded with a good friend, Don Salvador Herraiz Embid , 7 th Dan Wado Ryu Karate. Teacher, writer, historian and writer of karate.

Exhición Karate.

I think with this participation, this year has highlighted much, karate in these prestigious awards in the SPORT Castilla-La Mancha 2010 .

Photos courtesy of the event: Carlos Pastor Bort.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Butter And Shortening Equivalent


From that moment, we can say that the plague was our only issue. -Albert Camus, The Plague By the second chapter of Plague, Albert Camus's novel, the collective character of the city recognizes that the plague and is "subject to all of us." Until then everyone had followed in his, but once the doors closed they realized they were on the same network and had to do something. From ce moment, il est possible to tell the plague fut notre affaire à tous . The title of the work alludes to the reader to imagine: the plague was the war and Nazism in the 40's, then it may be terrorism, the drug now and the uncontrolled violence that breaks down and depressed. The other side of the coin, if the ticket is the attitude of the U.S. government, that does not stop any big fish "on the current tragedy. What is not to feel frustrated if the U.S. President passes the drug by land, sea and air, through its agents bribed, and if most of the black money goes through their chains of banks, if the authorities say fail to investigate and make a blind eye to the flow of arms to and fro? The most shocking of what the poet said Javier Sicilia after the murder of his son in Cuernavaca is that criminals are among the institutions and the heart of Mexico is rotten. Can not end the war Mexican State against narco while everyone is tucked in garlic: police and military officials, political party leaders, congressmen, and, finally, representatives of the State. Neither could win that damn war, this ambiguous civil war that killed some Mexicans others, while not seriously attack the financial side of business. It has been very timid or too complicit to the Mexican government really does not undertake an operation in the financial circuit of the drug, so far untouched. There are two piñatas: one filled with marijuana, cocaine, heroin and pills laboratory. The other piñata is filled with tens and twenty dollars, which is what often takes a dose in a contact operation quickly. So, then, the Mexican government only gives clubs the first piñata and for the second he spends fanning the breeze. Economists doctoral-official-suckers have many difficulties in interpreting the indicators of the current state of the economy. The extra cash that move there are criminal organizations: the construction industry, especially in the hotel, and the bookmakers, the books, the new casinos authorized by Santiago Creel. Also in election campaigns. The banks called decent, on the other hand, the English flag, Canadian, British, American, Mexico also receive-perhaps unknowingly-most of the money that is legalized. Financial systems in Mexico seem designed especially to launder money, as the federal program of direct Cetes. Anybody else can buy government bonds at very low prices to strengthen public expenditure. In areas where there is a lack of state-Nuevo León, Michoacán, Tamaulipas, Morelos, organized crime is imposed as if it were a foreign occupying army. It is not unlikely, moreover, that the criminal economy and is structural: the capital of the narco already cemented in the building of the national economy that can not be touched -As radioactivity, because, as a pile of rocks, the same economy of the country would collapse. And she melted into the criminal economy and its removal would be like taking away the clean aircraft engines. And, besides, there is another little problem: never before, or at least since the 20's, the Mexican army had been so powerful. Three years ago, did not. Who gave it? Felipe Calderón, Commander in Chief.

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Sonoran dogs

had to wait more than fifty years to know that Alvaro Obregon and Plutarco Elias Calles sent to kill General Francisco Serrano in 1927, for reasons of political rivalry for political jealousy, for "reasons of state." Maybe in 2029 the Mexican time can be determined finally, how was the assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio on March 4, 1994 in Tijuana. Rather than the courts, the truth of power wants to legitimize itself in the media or in what used to be called public or collective imagination. But history knows, and sooner or later, in the murky waters of politics the truth will emerge. The way this book is to show Pedro Ochoa case is simple: set out in succession, according to the natural order of numbers-the day a day of events surrounding the crime so that the reader itself reworked a composition of place. In Los days there seems to be mounting an alteration in the order of the factors except the temporal evolution in many cases leaves reflected the spontaneity of the reporter and the first time that information has not been spared and manipulated. Many times the truth passes before our eyes but we do not recognize. It is as if the diligent reader of this book is placed in a shooting while he paraded in front of figurines of rabbits, deer, bighorn sheep, as in a church fair. Moving from left to right and you have to hit it, which could represent truth. Thus take place in our fair information daily from newspapers and the various truths about the very fact that it supports any number of points of view. Suddenly, amid the hundreds of thousands of words about the assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio someone in a cell, in a magazine, on a farm, in a newspaper, in a bar, a radio station, on a beach, release something interesting. And then that statement or negligence, or slip of the tongue, is lost in the sea of \u200b\u200binformation, like a glass of water in the Pacific Ocean. Overlooked. What may happen is that the story, the mother of truth, many years later, established that disclosure incidentally was the true, which set a positive relationship between what is said and done. We will see if this book by Pedro Ochoa went before us an element of truth, perhaps with eyes interpreted the year 2054 and from the perspective favorececel time. Criminological imagination is no less creative than the literary. Both are going to detail. It is entrusted to the accuracy of the recipes or scientific experiments because they know that to better ascertain the truth or lie, it is essential to better detail and his presentation in narrative sequence. In the literary essay, however, the evidence is not necessarily required: the thesis is unproven and that seems a la caricatura política en la que basta un chispazo, no una acumulación de pruebas inútiles. En otros términos: el argumento es una insinuación, una manera persuasiva de apelar a la malicia literaria y a la mirada crítica. Los únicos que exigen pruebas son los policías y los jueces, no los periodistas ni los escritores. En aras del natural escepticismo que suele tenerse ante la averiguación de la justicia en México, llegaron a reforzarse además las indagaciones científicas del procurador especial Luis Raúl González Pérez con peritajes del FBI y de los institutos de investigaciones astronómicas y nucleares de la UNAM, para que nadie se quedara con dudas. El mero hecho de nombrar a un “procurador special "speaks of the distrust aroused by the normal system of justice prevailed, perhaps because the" prosecutors "have always been a state executive orders or the President of the Republic. The chapter that the researcher "special" in five thick volumes devoted to the Presidential General Staff (the Praetorian Guard of the President or, in time the state party, the PRI candidate) takes on minutiae, explains who's who, where wine who appointed him. Makes history. Sample curriculum. But it seems to lie with the truth, as all true and verifiable information on the escort of the EMP and its officers at all possible to establish they acted innocently. The profusion of data proves nothing. Not without plausibility some of the most diverse scenarios. Seem persuasive and as interesting as any crime. Becomes the starting point: Aburto acted alone and made the two shots: the President had nothing to do. Since Colosio was a weak character, a star without its own light, nothing brilliant politician, known for his intellectual limitations, was ideal for the project Salinas continuity in power. Then then is attacked Colosio to bust an unlikely plot maximato Salinas. Thereupon Salinas had nothing to do, not ordered the killing of Colosio, as is the fantasy of good of Mexicans and, above all, Sonora. Why? It's what gives the character and the suspicious circumstances that have always surrounded. This is the theory that more consensus has been: if there was conspiracy, in any case was to sabotage the project continues to Salinas. The attack did not emerge from Salinas but was against him. The hypothesis criminology tends to establish that Aburto acted on its own initiative, he made the two shots, as Colosio dropped instantly, as with any person who is shot in the head before a second is already on the ground. (The special prosecutor seasoned his hypothesis with some videos of the FBI in which three suicide is shot in head still ringing does not stop the shot when the bastard is already on the ground. But that does not prove that this has been the case with Colosio's body plummeting or coiled.) However, the shock wave of social suspicion grows among more abundant on the case. Not everyone believes that everything was the result of a conspiracy, and not against Salinas. Neither Alfonso Durazo, or Don Luis Colosio, had the same perceptions Monterrey journalist even said Federico Arreola, 15 March 1999, there was a break between Colosio and Salinas incorrigible. "I do not know if Salinas had him murdered or killed. I do know that Carlos Salinas was sorry have made candidate Luis Donaldo. "If impression was that the breakup was irreversible. Pensive, sad, Colosio was that Salinas had left hanging from the brush, at least by the evidence that Manuel Camacho suistituiría the candidate. Colosio's campaign-who, incidentally, was his propaganda without the PRI logo was abandoned from the financial standpoint. Neither Zedillo and Oscar Espinoza (who was chief of Nacional Financiera and then the DDF and never came out good bills) sent money or not sent on time. They made fools. If anything is clear in the Colosio case is that the campaign was being sabotaged, there was no toilet paper PRI offices in Tijuana, PRI volunteers did not even have petrol coupons, on the streets had no paint or bumper cars. If they wanted to use mobile phone on the street. What does all this mean? Which had created a whole environment: a context. Atmosphere. Stage. It was rumored that Salinas had repented and, in many ways Colosio had hinted that he had to retire. Why? Why? So that what happened did not happen. Speculation collective popular imagination that does not deserve the scorn of anyone, usually disqualified immediately and in advance. It is said that history always oral unfair because it reproduces the lies and fantasies of people. An inexplicable hunch suggests that the truth may never be known if the events under investigation are related to power. The vox populi is relentless and Solomon. When people decide to believe in something no human power to change her mind. And there is evidence against that worth when you want to believe. The suspect came rather after the murder and not so much things as we have known it did before. Arises from the subsequent concealment. The cover-up. The different official versions that have been butting like a palimpsest. You never know. And it has changed our way of relating to imaginary world. It is not, or not always, through literature, as when Dickens readers waiting in Boston the brigs loaded with new chapters of Oliver Twist. Our low runs novels fall into the hands of a very small circle of readers, not always read them. We put our fantasies rather in the "media space" that the oral and written journalist invented every day. There are images from the novels that we remain in the memory. Rather from newspapers, television, social networks and the court records. For example, a white jetta that goes into the night to Los Pinos Salinas with a passenger dead in the back seat or trunk, leaving the same Jetta driven by someone rather than put socks gloves to prevent fingerprints on the steering wheel. You do not know whether he saw in a movie, read a newspaper or a novel by Andrea Camilleri. In the 70's the possibility that the center of the conspiracy was in the same residence of power was only a movie like Corpse distinguished by Francesco Rossi. Now the reality is something that does not rule. And if the detective story itself is impossible in a country with a justice system as ambivalent as ours (in which criminals are among the institutions), which seems to be happening is that instead what is now the daily bombardment of endless versions that are thrown about the same event. Or at least that was the feeling that we no longer balance the overwhelming information on the assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio. Colosio case is a crime novel with no solution, as has been the Mexican policy of recent years (with their governors traffickers and kidnappers, with campaigns financed by drug traffickers), but unlike pure literary invention-which we sports and we panic so much, has left us baffled and impotent, as when one is in a dream situation is not resolved and we are distressed. Hundreds of thousands of words were reproduced in about crime and we were more worried than before. All languages \u200b\u200bwere responsible for handling the case: the law, the criminological, medical, political, journalistic. And as happened on March 23, 1994 everyone forgot about the case. Borges was right: things are published in the newspapers just to forget the next day. There was an attempt to discredit the "delirious fantasies" of the collective imagination in order to exculpate Carlos Salinas, but even the most vehement denials, not devoid of political overtones or defensively managed to abolish the "conspiracy theories." The environmental theory: With the break between Salinas and Colosio was built a stage, an environment was created for the occurrence of the attack. The set up. The theory of the two plot: In the crime scene saw two unrelated conspiracies: the Los Pinos and the solo Aburto, who advanced. It is the literary theory: more imaginative. Cid theory: the presidential candidate was eliminated because it was losing and had to retain power with the dead, which is used in the campaign as a puppet. theory Blow up: from the videos they wanted to reach a composition of place, as did the Special Deputy Attorney Montes principle: The journalist Ricardo Rocha relaunched the hypothesis of the complicity of Othon Cortes to focus on the television to a strange man approaching, like a basketball player, the perimeter of tension and then seems to be the same extracts one from the waist, an alleged gun fails to draw. The great mystery remains that you never see who wields the Taurus killer, and that is the video grain-amplification does not allow the blow-up photograph of the film. Colosio in slow motion. The theory of reason of state: a ruler can not be blamed for masterminding his predecessor, even if tests because despanzurraría the same institutions are the President and his party lost power. He did the Warren Commission and LB Johnson on the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963. For reasons of state. Were disbelieved, therefore, the theory of the lone murderer from the beginning, as soon as they stepped off the plane in Tijuana and brought to the prosecutor Diego Valadés list, but common sense people do not accept, as many journalists do not endorse not have to work as judges or as notaries. They are not. You never really know how was the assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio in 1994. People know this intuitively, sorry, I guess, what follows, but has no proof. In the power struggle "to get or keep-it goes without saying that anything goes when the contest is between human beasts, whose more subtle baba continues to plague our most immediate historical memory. No one knows who had him killed, but you can feel. There is something that gives the character under suspicion. Nobody could have imagined that in our time a man of great power would be able to send a political killing brother, a colleague, a partner, an accomplice, a rival, someone who left the crate, but Mexican reality is stronger than political naivete. Though we can not believe it happens. Or at least that possibility is given to the character. This is what emanates from the character. It's something you do not know, that does not appear, you do not have the backing of the evidence, but it feels. We know that some "actor" of the policy may be capable of everything, anything, that looks horrible. For the psychotic, especially if you are at the summit of power, someone who not only has no superego, that is, awareness of evil. Is someone who has no compassion for others, is someone who can sleep soundly like a baby after having decided to do something to send to a healthy person would involve an unbearable sense of guilt, remorse that could lead to intolerable self-annihilation or at least, to never feel again life in some semblance of peace or good conscience. In this instigator or mastermind what happens is that you start to fail neurotransmitters. And it does not calculate the consequences of their actions. Economy is a political assassination. In the tragedy Macbeth there is only one theme: murder. It is the most obsessive of all the crimes created by Shakespeare. The crime, thinking about crime and the fear of crime take over everything. In cases such as political assassination is stronger than in others the need to discern and establish the truth in a credible and convincing. There are several ways to say it-seven, as Bertolt Brecht, are difficult to tell the truth and not only as determined in the courts: the dirty truth of the police, and dehumanized abstract truth of the judges who could be replaced by computers and programs "procedural logic." Very others are the ways in which literature is, journalism and the news story, essay (the thesis without proof), film, theater and political cartoon for possible approximation to the rough and uncomfortable truth . Because the legal truth often fails to convince anyone or used to cover other crimes, as indicated by the trail of uncertainty since the March 24, 1994 has left the assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio. In the final analysis, sooner or later, the truth itself teaches (as I said Torquato Tasso) and comes out as the body without burden of a dark lake. For almost twenty years away, and read from a present that is increasingly being done away from the analysis, the "special investigation" as mandated by the President of the Republic attorney Luis Raúl González Pérez find out all scenarios, broken down to the last detail giver-as-requested explanations on the biography of a member of the guard that spent the Presidential to the crime scene. However, the abundance of data to get credibility on the part of the "commission special "does not clear the doubts and someday we will know whether it was a wonderful, fantastic and monumental intellectual operation of concealment. In each of the five volumes is easy to see exculpate the concern for what was then President of Mexico. What Ricardo Gibert Tijuana attorney left him more puzzled Herrera's murder was the fact of protection. Deputy Commander of the State Judicial Police in Tijuana years ago and Federal prosecutor at the time of the crime, Ricardo Gibert Herrera-better known as the Yuca-telling: "I always coordinated with the Presidential when he came on tour President. It's something routine that the police are everywhere and the city state. Collaborate with law enforcement authorities from Mexico. I did many times. And I realized the rigor, discipline, military and technical preparation of what is an escort. Is a trained, ready to die, as the escort of the Colombian guerrillas, or of Fatah, the Mosaad, or president gringo. Have the same level and no one, mark it well, nobody, absolutely nobody can break the siege of the escort. Nobody. Not a fly. "It's like basketball: he who has the ball you are going around, they run with it. The escort staff provides a dual safety belt at the periphery of the official or candidate. There A Handbook for the Protection of officials, prepared by the Secretariat of National Defense in 1997, three years after the murder. At that time the Presidential General Staff, responsible for the custody of Colosio, was already a procedural manual, forty-five pages, to protect and defend public figures and it appears, as Augustine says in his article Ambriz Process March 5, 2000, that many of these procedures were violated by the escort of Sonora. In 1997, the Manual states that "the security element must be ready to defend the physical and / or moral (even with his own life) of the person or persons in their care and should not hesitate to repel an attack, even at a disadvantage, always thinking that the purpose for which it was trained to maintain undamaged and if free of any injury to person or persons entrusted to their custody. " Do not believe in Sonora that Colosio was missing the mettle of foxes, do not believe that he was depressed, do not believe that you were scared, do not believe they had broken inside. They feel the lightning strike came from the highest levels of power. Believe that saved the race of Sonora, who brought the breed, which was opposed, he said no, he left the Shepherd and Doberman Sonoran when he argued that he should resign to run for president. "Always no "He said. "Well I will not give," he said to Luis Donaldo dogs. If you want me and not a candidate, chíngense. Kill me then. Because I'm not going to go around the world as the idiot who first told him he would be president and then gave him a kick in the ass. If you do not want, chíngense. Get into a mess. Kill me.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

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The City Council recognizes the past achievements of Andrea Arenas and

Mayor Miguel, Roman Rivera, accompanied by the Councillor for Sports of the Consistory, Manuel Viso, held a reception for athletes: Andrea Arenas Juanicorena Xabier Fernández Sánchez and to recognize the achievements of these in recent months.

Rivero explained that this ceremony is "public recognition on behalf of Miguel, these athletes that have recently achieved important goals." The mayor claimed that "it is a pride for the town to have young people who are consolidating their good work, proving their worth and make us proud of our sporting and quarry champions we are taking in recent years." He added that "today we celebrating what has been a triumph of karate Miguelturra outside our province. "

For his part, appreciated the work done Viso from the club saying it is very important work being done with the quarry many people are participating and many new faces that come through the "and promised" a great future for these athletes . "

Juanicorena has been ranked first in Kata regional senior male and Andrea Arenas child has been regional champion in kumite over 50 kilos and regional runners-Kata female. Both told the mayor and the sports council, their experiences in the last championships in which they participated.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

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Juanicorena Xavier Matías Fernando Moreno and Gomez fight in GIRI European 义理

Both have been summoned by the English team to compete in Zurich . The

bolañego almagreño Matías Gómez and Fernando Moreno, who recently proclaimed in Ciudad Real Spain karate champion in kumite -76 kg, will be part of the national team that will compete in the European Championship Absolute Karate, to conclude the 6, 7 and 8 May in Zurich (Switzerland).

Moreno and Gomez will be concentrated with the rest of the selection karate in Madrid between April 27 and May 3 to prepare for this appointment as the next day travel to the Swiss city to rise up and fight for the top of the European podium.

Not surprisingly, both start with the goal of hanging a medal. Matias Gomez, who was last year at the World Cup bronze all compete in kumite -60 kg with the idea after being fully recovered from a hand injury which deprived him compete in the National final. "This weekend, in the screening, I felt good and my goal will be to catch 'sheet'," said the bolañego, who in his first appearance in a European finished runners all mainland in 2009, while last year was about was individual bronze and team silver.

For his part, Fernando Moreno almagreño also have in mind the achievement of a metal of -76 kg kumite, after proclaiming moral awarded national champion a few weeks ago in Ciudad Real.

That success certainly has led him to become part of the English team that will compete in Zurich karate and which will seek to increase his credit. Do not forget that finished runners Moreno and Europe cadet in 2008, which earned him to be appointed almagreño best athlete that year.

SOURCE: Lanzadigital

Fernando Moreno, called for the European Championships in Zurich (Switzerland).
Ciudad Real, April 12 (EFE) .-

The karate almagreño Fernando Moreno has been called to join the English team that will compete in the European Championship Karate all to be held on 6, 7 and 8 May in Zurich (Switzerland).

Moreno, who recently proclaimed champion of Spain in the form of Kumite (-76 kg) in Ciudad Real, will be concentrated in Madrid, between 27 April and 3 May, to prepare for the next appointment selected the other will leave the next day to the Swiss city.

With your call, met the expectations of their coach, Angel Luis Chaves, who has said after the victory of Fernando in Ciudad Real that he had earned the call with the English selection to be in the European stake. Remember

Moreno finished runners from Europe cadet in 2008, which earned him to be named best athlete almagreño that year by the local city council. 1010542 EFE

Monday, April 11, 2011

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municipal architect I find myself on numerous occasions, within a procedure, in a position to resolve technical and legal arguments, which in many cases exceed my legal knowledge, due to the absence in the council of a technical degree in law. I wanted to know if there is legislation or case law that determines the limit of my powers at the time of reporting and if this can be illegal.
Pere-Joan Torrent Riberto. Advocate
The problem you pose is very frequent and common of all those small municipalities that do not have at least a degree in law secretary. There is no rule to determine in detail the limit not only the skills but not the obligations of a municipal architect at the time of issuing their reports. Laws and Regulations refer to "technical report", but recognize that within the technical adjective, fit many meanings. I think the municipal architect should report to arrive exactly where their skills, those who are part of those studied in a career in architecture. The confusion stems from the land laws and land laws are made by lawyers and architects at a time, and their contents dumped items highly legal and highly technical. The consequence is that the application of these laws to municipal administrative files have opened legal knowledge and expertise. Therefore, it is often necessary to have the reports of a lawyer and an architect. When you lack one of two problems arise in the reports. In response, we can only recommend that you limit your reports to report on matters in which you have expertise, leaving those matters for a lawyer for which you do not have sufficient basis for reporting. If the lawyer does not exist is a matter to be resolved by the Consistory. If an architect information beyond their knowledge, this is not to commit anything illegal. It is a competition problem, rather it is a problem of responsibility. The problem is that I can report the wrong way, and this can result in some kind of responsibility. There will be bold, and demonstrate to the City Council that an architect is not a lawyer.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

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In cases such as political assassination is stronger than in others the need to discern and establish the truth in a credible and convincing. There are several ways to say it, seven as Bertolt Brecht, and not only as determined in the courts: the dirty truth of the police, abstract truth and dehumanized by the judges. Very others are the ways in which literature is the test (the thesis without proof), film, theater and political cartoon for possible approximation to the rough and uncomfortable truth. Neither Naranjo, and Rocha, and Ephrem, and the Voyeur, and Camacho, tests need to share their intuitive perception of things. Also the cartoon is presented as a theory without proof. It is his privilege. Right or wrong, but it soon picks up a suspicion of the collective soul. The imaginative writer not needed testing. The only evidence is asking judges and police officers, evidence that other party may prepare and, in this country of all demons, are made very frequently. Because the legal truth-especially in Mexico where the justice system is always under suspicion-often fails to convince anyone or used to cover other crimes, as indicated by the trail of uncertainty since the March 24 1994 has left the assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio. At the end of the day, sooner or later, the truth itself teaches (as I said Torquato Tasso) and surfaces. We had to wait at least fifty years to know that President Calles and Alvaro Obregon ordered his accomplice to kill in 1927 to General Francisco Serrano Huzilac, Morelos, to dismiss it as a competitor for the presidency. For almost twenty years away, and read from a perspective that gives only the passage of time, the "special investigation" as mandated by the President of the Republic attorney Luis Raúl González Pérez delay in minutiae, starts out all scenarios breaks down to the last detail, such as who gives unsolicited explanations "in the biography of a member of the guard that spent the Presidential to the crime scene. However, the abundance of information to achieve credibility on the part of the "special commission" does not clear the doubts and someday we will know whether it was a wonderful, fantastic and intellectual operation monumental cover-up. In each of the five volumes is easy to see the concern exonerate Salinas. What Ricardo Gibert Tijuana attorney left him more puzzled Herrera's murder was the fact of protection. Deputy Commander of the State Judicial Police in Tijuana years ago and Federal prosecutor at the time of the crime, Ricardo Gibert Herrera-better known as the Yuca-telling: "I always coordinated with the Presidential when he came on tour President. Routine is something that all parties make the state police and municipal. Collaborate with law enforcement authorities from Mexico. I did many times. And I realized the rigor, discipline, military and technical preparation of what is an escort. Is a trained, ready to die, as the escort of the Colombian guerrillas, or of Fatah, the Mosaad, or president gringo. Have the same level and no one, mark it well, nobody, absolutely nobody can break the siege of the escort. Nobody. Not a fly. "It's like basketball: he who has the ball you are going around, they run with it. The escort staff provides a dual safety belt at the periphery of the official or candidate. There is a Staff Protection Manual, prepared by the Secretariat of National Defense in 1997, three years after the murder. At that time the Presidential General Staff, responsible for the custody of Colosio, was already a procedural manual, forty-five pages, to protect and defend public figures and it appears, as Augustine says in his article Ambriz Process March 5, 2000, that many of these procedures were violated by the escort of Sonora. In 1997, the Manual states that "the security element must be ready to defend the physical and / or moral (even with his own life) of the person or persons in their care and should not hesitate to repel aggression, be at a disadvantage even thinking at all times that the objective for which it was trained to maintain if unharmed and free of any injury to person or persons entrusted to their custody. " Do not believe in Sonora that Colosio was missing the mettle of foxes, do not believe that he was depressed, do not believe that you were scared, do not believe they had broken inside. They feel the lightning strike came from the highest levels of power. Believe that saved the race of Sonora, who brought the breed, which was opposed, he said no, he left the Shepherd and Doberman Sonoran when he argued that he should resign to run for president. "It's always no," he said. "Well I will not give," he said to Luis Donaldo dogs. If you want me and not a candidate, chíngense. Kill me then. Because I'm not going to go around the world as the idiot who first told him he would be president and then gave him a kick in the ass. If you do not want, chíngense. Get into a mess. Kill me.

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The labyrinth of impunity

There are several ways to tell the truth. Bertolt Brecht said that seven of the difficulties to say it and not only as determined in the courts: the dirty truth of the police, and dehumanized abstract truth of the judges who could be replaced by computers and programs "procedural logic." Very others are the ways in which they literature, and journalistic reportage, essay (the thesis without evidence), film, theater and political cartoon for possible approximation to the rough and uncomfortable truth. Neither Naranjo, and Rocha, and Ephrem, and the Voyeur, and Camacho, tests need to share their intuitive perception of things. Also the cartoon is presented as a theory without proof. It is his privilege. Right or wrong, but it soon picks up a suspicion of the collective soul. The imaginative writer not needed testing, but will have to strive in the art of persuasion. The only evidence is asking judges and police officers, evidence that other party may prepare and, in this country of all demons, are made very frequently. Everything can. Anything goes. Are collected evidence, not infrequently, just to avoid justice. However, continues to weigh on the work of the journalist or the historian, at least in theory, a minimum of legal culture that prevents forget the presumption of innocence, the right to a fair trial and the problem of proof. The truth has always been, from the Presocratics to Ludwig Wittgenstein, a philosophical problem at all easy. In our everyday life predominates tends dilemma between legal truth and "the real truth of things," as Machiavelli. And this is where the conflict "journalistic truth" that, with all its imperfections, not be separated from democratic politics. With all the risks involved, is vital in a country where bargaining is so much information and everything has constrained the standard so much so that you get to use the law as a perfect alibi. Suddenly, the mere mention of a name in a book-report of withdrawal may be an irreparable affront that affected not dare complain for fear that they will advertise to fib or because it's true. In such delicate margins have to move the journalist. Story books abound in names. "To all who are accused, with the exception of those mentioned in the text explicitly condemned definitively, is it clear that the presumption of innocence, a good that, as is known, is in defense of individual rights or is constitutionally guaranteed. "This paragraph appears on the first page of a remarkable journalistic research: Export Mafia, who has just published Anagram publisher. The book is the Italian Francesco Forgione and deals with contemporary globalization of crime. It would be nice that the books prefaced his report a warning text like Forgione: "The names are those that everyone can read the records of law enforcement and the judiciary, and are reproduced here just to name certain events and to reconstruct a overall picture and present, and not, of course, because they have to consider prejudicially guilty of the crimes which they deny. "judicial truth, therefore, for the courts to say whether to consider the accused - an explicit decision-innocent or guilty. The journalist must not confuse their profession with that of a judge or a policeman. It is neither one nor the other. /

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义理 GIRI (2 ª part.)

In a deeper analysis on writing and meanings, the study of Chinese calligraphy adds much meaning to the characters. Its origin, its ancient meanings, their simplification and their current meanings, much more help to understand the concept that has this YILI in China and what came later and was perpetuated in Japan as Giri.

What does Chinese calligraphy 义理 about these characters?.

义 Yi justice, righteousness. currently using another character to this meaning 义 Yi, which contains meaning also very appropriate. Having elected to his new arrow Calligraphy (弋 yì) reversed (or turned 45 degrees down), perhaps with the intention that where justice prevails, and arms can relax. It can be seen in the old character was a straight arrow and current addresses or points directly to the ground, like leaving the arrow pointing, not intimidating gesture. Character

义 (yì) has no equivalent in English, but contains a vast inner meaning, full of human values. Mainly emphasizing justice, honesty, loyalty, responsibility and courage.

Being composed of two parts, upper and lower 羊 我 .

in whether the character is composed of two others, where he is 羊 radical Yang, representing a pictogram of a " sheep." The sheep are obedient, friendly, and their meat tastes good and is very nutritious.

With these features, the sheep was considered a symbol of "good fortune " and " prosperity."

In antiquity it was "perfect animal " docile giving wool, meat and bones and intestines were used as materials and household supplies. When the animal was big and fat, giving the meaning of "wealth , the animal was beautiful, and that was very good. So denote the meaning of "good ."

Transforming the meaning 美 Mei character comprised Yang and 羊 大 Dà, literally "goat large, supports the dictionary meanings, beautiful, beautiful / / good. So much kindness gave these animals was also synonymous with "beautiful animal " and therefore synonymous with beauty . "

The second, on the bottom is 我 Wǒ, I (first person pronoun). In dictionaries we can find as Wǒ 我 meanings, and I, we / / mi, us.

According to Chinese writings and philosophical doctrines of Confucius and Mencius, this character is representative of " I " as my body (me and my own self). Embodying self and inner feeling, that unifies the body and the spirit of the person, but also to forget the ego egocentric to become the " I " participatory " us."我

Wǒ, I . Two spears ( GE) in conflict, each to one side. Represented the individual as opposed to others.

戈 GE; halberd. pictogram of a gun with pica pole and metal.

As a key semantic character appears frequently associated with weapons or war, although some of the most common has lost its original meaning.

The individual as opposed to others. 戈 GE, was an ancient weapon, a kind of halberd made of bronze and then iron.

GE is known as a weapon in the dynasty of the Yellow Emperor, Huangdi, nearly 5000 years. During the Qin dynasty is bronze halberd was built. In the Han dynasty he began to build iron. It is in two parts, the pike and a hook tip.

Also during the Qin Dynasty , several decrees were established for the benefit of unifying the empire, from a character (calligraphy) equal to the whole empire, to the same diameter the wheels of cars. Through education about identical charges, the same currency, same laws, etc. Perhaps his biggest setback was the implementation of legalism , openly opposed philosophical doctrines of Confucianism.

Another character that I think gives more to meet GE 戈 戒 Jie; preventable. Above is the radical 戈 GE, halberd, down phonetically 廾 jie: two hands to pick up a halberd, expresses a strict surveillance. Originally meant to stay alert, " to guard."

My attempts to decipher the nature their lines of this Japanese kanji 弋, have not borne fruit, as many Japanese dictionaries I own, skip it, if the Internet that says that the character pictogram " a bent arrow for the use " .

弋 In Chinese is , meaning "arrow recoverable." Give others characters meaning repeat an action, and a textual sense military. Becoming part of many other important characters. Recalling that the previous character was also present simplified 义 Yi justice, fair (remember China is calligraphy).

弋 in Japanese is a character that is directly linked to the personal guard and soldiers 弋 Yoku: arrest, detention / / shoot with a bow.我

WO was originally developed in the oracle bone script, which denoted a tool in the fight with a sharp point. And together form 羊 我 义, which can be interpreted literally as " I am a sheep." This means that one is willing to sacrifice in the name of justice, similar to when the sheep were sacrificed in honor of the Chinese character dioses.El 义 Yì remembers how people live their lives, that is, altruism.

义's character belongs to a special category called Huiyi ideograms (multiple meanings together), it owns the ideograms whose inner meaning is an amalgamation of various other meanings.

Yì 义 has a meaning so profound that it took a whole book to illustrate.义 is the subject of China's first historical novel written with titles in rhyme, called Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Luo Guanzhong of the Ming Dynasty. In the novel, several stories of the Three Kingdoms period (220-280 AD), where is used to illustrate various aspects of character 义.

The second character 理 Li, the Chinese also have their meanings
理 Li; reason. cut to get the best interior streak 里, 王 jade, is subject to reason, as it must be the thought of man.

explaining the nature already gives an idea of \u200b\u200bits composition. His radical 王 Wang; King . Which is the union between heaven, earth, and men.

But it is its authentic character as to be written on the left represents symbolically to 玉 Yu, who is the real power. In ancient kings wore a belt with several stones of jade, of which only one is represented as a comma, you put it on the left to lose that point.

The evoluciónn of Lǐ. It was traditionally
lǐ 里 里 was then lǐ and simplified the current 里.

Lǐ 里, inside, inside. is represented by a field Tian 田 on earth 土 Tǔ.
理 Ri In Japanese it means reason, logic.

What does Chinese calligraphy 义理 about these characters?.义 Yì In Chinese means, justice, righteousness. Li 理; reason. Can be written in two ways the classic and simplified 义理 (义理) in both is Yi Li.

The Gi in Japan.

In Japanese calligraphy Gi comes to mean " justice," but not that which emanates from the law, if not, the belief of self-righteousness. In the belief that our actions, good deeds, are the way of righteousness through the moral and loyalty, and consequently we have pure and righteous acts.

why the teacher chose this Taiji Kase monosyllabic character of Gi 义 for the emblem of his association. The master himself commented numerous times that choose this script representing the Gi (obligation) of the first syllables of Gichin Funakoshi 船 越 义 珍 Funakoshi and Giko 船 越 义 豪.

That, as we see is truthful and authentic, character Gi 义, nombress was part of both teachers.

So you can see the emblem of WKSA (World Karate Shotokan Academy ), Taiji Kase association crease in 1989, together with the master Hiroshi Shirai . The emblem that served as a reference to the "line of karate " the teacher imparted to the disintegration of the partnership in 2001.

From that year the Master Taiji Kase creates a new association called Shotokan Ryu Kase Ha (Shotokan style of the teacher staff Kase) and not create any new logo, so way, which continued to be used prior WKSA. Master Kase

always spoke in many courses, their "obligation " with Shotokan Karate and especially with the memory of his teachers, a commitment to accountability, in the transmission of "legacy ." Not only was Karate, if not, that was an art.

As a living entity that is passed from master to student, and this art has been "transforming." Much progress has been a sport karate, almost as much as what has been lost in the teachings of the ancient masters based in the Budo.

For that reason and in its report, the teacher KASE sought to establish an education similar to the receive and seeking the same goals, also seeking their own teachers. Lessons to him, the framing, as in Japan called "武 道 Budō " as part of Budo was the "武 道 空手道 Budo Karate."

spoke several times of that 义理 Giri, contracted with the memory of the masters, with art and with his person, his way of seeing the karate, and how he had lived. Naming with a particular fondness for "Waka Sensei (Yoshitaka Funakoshi).

In Japanese martial arts, is the intermanente 禅 Zen (meditation), and many other arts Nipponese, who also provide for Giri , as a "reciprocal obligation and its " there are established concepts in Japan that go beyond the feeling of admiration or even worship. These precepts, most inmates in the Japanese mentality, the ideals that endure over time in memory of his teachers and ancestors.

The concepts of "obligation "Can be two ways. On liability, which has shrunk from the point of view of passive recipient. This type may be that you have contracted with the family, with parents and older siblings. As you have the "obligation " as a parent to educate your child well, it respects and obeys. The gratitude of the child will be their Giri, for life.

The Shi No On is On receiving the master . It is a On received through a voluntary relationship and where the teacher has put in you ideas, making them yours. When you become student, you become liable also to your teacher, get Giri one with him.

Note: Individuals who receive a On , become On jin (man on).

Again I can better explain the idea of \u200b\u200bShi No On, through his calligraphy china:

The first character (now simplified Shī 师) means 师 Shi; master model. Lead students indoors.

is uniquely Japanese Second not, is equal to the English preposition or prefix " of ."

恩 The third is in , Kindness, goodness. The reason 因 yin, xin 心 heart. That comes to mean "teacher goodness" or "teacher kindness."

is In Japanese Shi No On 師 の 恩, his characters almost say the same, the first is 师 Shi, professor, expert . The second is の No, plus hiragana writing the possessive "de". The third is On 恩, kindness, favor . Meaning "teacher favor" or "teacher goodness."

is when going to receive that 恩 On and pull, when going to "pay" these debts to the teacher, we must "return these obligations." On 恩 man is considered from the point of view of "active return." So those who have received the Shi No On, have made a Giri 义理 with your teacher, school, style, etc . Again

Japanese ideals provide that Giri is equal to a "debt " and is due to be paid with mathematical equivalence "to the favor received ”, y el cual tienen un tiempo de duración establecido. Entra igualmente en los deberes hacia las personas con las que hay lazos de parentesco (familia), y la referente a los maestros.

En ambas, On y Shi No On , se agradece el trato recibido, el favor, la ayuda, la enseñanza, etc., es muy habitual el dar consejos, a los hijos y a los alumnos, en Japón. Lo que aquí en occidente, hasta puede está mal visto, esos consejos, son recibidos con agrado y gratitud, pues en el fondo son una muestra de generosidad, de amabilidad, de bondad y amor la que se recibe.

Es especialmente en las “ artes ” cuando el maestro, in his teachings and advice, applying a full concept of 恩 On, where the heart of the current master through reason to like the way he receives as a student. On being equivalent in the student's sensei and. Many teachers said about " heart to heart," there lives the authentic teaching.

The student acquires a Giri difficult to pay teachers (his sensei), which over the years just find a way to pay, and On the transmission of that as he is best passed, passing down the generations with the same feeling showing respect and gratitude for being able to do, which is why when teachers convey these teachings old and they do smile, knowing the vital importance and the time involved, knowing that they are finished paying an old debt.

Giri Another way, more or perhaps less known, is "to likewise Giri " which is nothing more than a Japanese version of " honor." Maybe in Japan where most of the "duty" to keep clean the good name of the family, the family reputation, or permanent refusal to failure. The

" duty "also, to oneself, undertake not to admit failure (professional) requires suppress any emotional demonstration in failure (considering them as inappropriate in public.)