Thursday, April 14, 2011

How Long Does It Take To Have Ringworm Heal

Sonoran dogs

had to wait more than fifty years to know that Alvaro Obregon and Plutarco Elias Calles sent to kill General Francisco Serrano in 1927, for reasons of political rivalry for political jealousy, for "reasons of state." Maybe in 2029 the Mexican time can be determined finally, how was the assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio on March 4, 1994 in Tijuana. Rather than the courts, the truth of power wants to legitimize itself in the media or in what used to be called public or collective imagination. But history knows, and sooner or later, in the murky waters of politics the truth will emerge. The way this book is to show Pedro Ochoa case is simple: set out in succession, according to the natural order of numbers-the day a day of events surrounding the crime so that the reader itself reworked a composition of place. In Los days there seems to be mounting an alteration in the order of the factors except the temporal evolution in many cases leaves reflected the spontaneity of the reporter and the first time that information has not been spared and manipulated. Many times the truth passes before our eyes but we do not recognize. It is as if the diligent reader of this book is placed in a shooting while he paraded in front of figurines of rabbits, deer, bighorn sheep, as in a church fair. Moving from left to right and you have to hit it, which could represent truth. Thus take place in our fair information daily from newspapers and the various truths about the very fact that it supports any number of points of view. Suddenly, amid the hundreds of thousands of words about the assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio someone in a cell, in a magazine, on a farm, in a newspaper, in a bar, a radio station, on a beach, release something interesting. And then that statement or negligence, or slip of the tongue, is lost in the sea of \u200b\u200binformation, like a glass of water in the Pacific Ocean. Overlooked. What may happen is that the story, the mother of truth, many years later, established that disclosure incidentally was the true, which set a positive relationship between what is said and done. We will see if this book by Pedro Ochoa went before us an element of truth, perhaps with eyes interpreted the year 2054 and from the perspective favorececel time. Criminological imagination is no less creative than the literary. Both are going to detail. It is entrusted to the accuracy of the recipes or scientific experiments because they know that to better ascertain the truth or lie, it is essential to better detail and his presentation in narrative sequence. In the literary essay, however, the evidence is not necessarily required: the thesis is unproven and that seems a la caricatura política en la que basta un chispazo, no una acumulación de pruebas inútiles. En otros términos: el argumento es una insinuación, una manera persuasiva de apelar a la malicia literaria y a la mirada crítica. Los únicos que exigen pruebas son los policías y los jueces, no los periodistas ni los escritores. En aras del natural escepticismo que suele tenerse ante la averiguación de la justicia en México, llegaron a reforzarse además las indagaciones científicas del procurador especial Luis Raúl González Pérez con peritajes del FBI y de los institutos de investigaciones astronómicas y nucleares de la UNAM, para que nadie se quedara con dudas. El mero hecho de nombrar a un “procurador special "speaks of the distrust aroused by the normal system of justice prevailed, perhaps because the" prosecutors "have always been a state executive orders or the President of the Republic. The chapter that the researcher "special" in five thick volumes devoted to the Presidential General Staff (the Praetorian Guard of the President or, in time the state party, the PRI candidate) takes on minutiae, explains who's who, where wine who appointed him. Makes history. Sample curriculum. But it seems to lie with the truth, as all true and verifiable information on the escort of the EMP and its officers at all possible to establish they acted innocently. The profusion of data proves nothing. Not without plausibility some of the most diverse scenarios. Seem persuasive and as interesting as any crime. Becomes the starting point: Aburto acted alone and made the two shots: the President had nothing to do. Since Colosio was a weak character, a star without its own light, nothing brilliant politician, known for his intellectual limitations, was ideal for the project Salinas continuity in power. Then then is attacked Colosio to bust an unlikely plot maximato Salinas. Thereupon Salinas had nothing to do, not ordered the killing of Colosio, as is the fantasy of good of Mexicans and, above all, Sonora. Why? It's what gives the character and the suspicious circumstances that have always surrounded. This is the theory that more consensus has been: if there was conspiracy, in any case was to sabotage the project continues to Salinas. The attack did not emerge from Salinas but was against him. The hypothesis criminology tends to establish that Aburto acted on its own initiative, he made the two shots, as Colosio dropped instantly, as with any person who is shot in the head before a second is already on the ground. (The special prosecutor seasoned his hypothesis with some videos of the FBI in which three suicide is shot in head still ringing does not stop the shot when the bastard is already on the ground. But that does not prove that this has been the case with Colosio's body plummeting or coiled.) However, the shock wave of social suspicion grows among more abundant on the case. Not everyone believes that everything was the result of a conspiracy, and not against Salinas. Neither Alfonso Durazo, or Don Luis Colosio, had the same perceptions Monterrey journalist even said Federico Arreola, 15 March 1999, there was a break between Colosio and Salinas incorrigible. "I do not know if Salinas had him murdered or killed. I do know that Carlos Salinas was sorry have made candidate Luis Donaldo. "If impression was that the breakup was irreversible. Pensive, sad, Colosio was that Salinas had left hanging from the brush, at least by the evidence that Manuel Camacho suistituiría the candidate. Colosio's campaign-who, incidentally, was his propaganda without the PRI logo was abandoned from the financial standpoint. Neither Zedillo and Oscar Espinoza (who was chief of Nacional Financiera and then the DDF and never came out good bills) sent money or not sent on time. They made fools. If anything is clear in the Colosio case is that the campaign was being sabotaged, there was no toilet paper PRI offices in Tijuana, PRI volunteers did not even have petrol coupons, on the streets had no paint or bumper cars. If they wanted to use mobile phone on the street. What does all this mean? Which had created a whole environment: a context. Atmosphere. Stage. It was rumored that Salinas had repented and, in many ways Colosio had hinted that he had to retire. Why? Why? So that what happened did not happen. Speculation collective popular imagination that does not deserve the scorn of anyone, usually disqualified immediately and in advance. It is said that history always oral unfair because it reproduces the lies and fantasies of people. An inexplicable hunch suggests that the truth may never be known if the events under investigation are related to power. The vox populi is relentless and Solomon. When people decide to believe in something no human power to change her mind. And there is evidence against that worth when you want to believe. The suspect came rather after the murder and not so much things as we have known it did before. Arises from the subsequent concealment. The cover-up. The different official versions that have been butting like a palimpsest. You never know. And it has changed our way of relating to imaginary world. It is not, or not always, through literature, as when Dickens readers waiting in Boston the brigs loaded with new chapters of Oliver Twist. Our low runs novels fall into the hands of a very small circle of readers, not always read them. We put our fantasies rather in the "media space" that the oral and written journalist invented every day. There are images from the novels that we remain in the memory. Rather from newspapers, television, social networks and the court records. For example, a white jetta that goes into the night to Los Pinos Salinas with a passenger dead in the back seat or trunk, leaving the same Jetta driven by someone rather than put socks gloves to prevent fingerprints on the steering wheel. You do not know whether he saw in a movie, read a newspaper or a novel by Andrea Camilleri. In the 70's the possibility that the center of the conspiracy was in the same residence of power was only a movie like Corpse distinguished by Francesco Rossi. Now the reality is something that does not rule. And if the detective story itself is impossible in a country with a justice system as ambivalent as ours (in which criminals are among the institutions), which seems to be happening is that instead what is now the daily bombardment of endless versions that are thrown about the same event. Or at least that was the feeling that we no longer balance the overwhelming information on the assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio. Colosio case is a crime novel with no solution, as has been the Mexican policy of recent years (with their governors traffickers and kidnappers, with campaigns financed by drug traffickers), but unlike pure literary invention-which we sports and we panic so much, has left us baffled and impotent, as when one is in a dream situation is not resolved and we are distressed. Hundreds of thousands of words were reproduced in about crime and we were more worried than before. All languages \u200b\u200bwere responsible for handling the case: the law, the criminological, medical, political, journalistic. And as happened on March 23, 1994 everyone forgot about the case. Borges was right: things are published in the newspapers just to forget the next day. There was an attempt to discredit the "delirious fantasies" of the collective imagination in order to exculpate Carlos Salinas, but even the most vehement denials, not devoid of political overtones or defensively managed to abolish the "conspiracy theories." The environmental theory: With the break between Salinas and Colosio was built a stage, an environment was created for the occurrence of the attack. The set up. The theory of the two plot: In the crime scene saw two unrelated conspiracies: the Los Pinos and the solo Aburto, who advanced. It is the literary theory: more imaginative. Cid theory: the presidential candidate was eliminated because it was losing and had to retain power with the dead, which is used in the campaign as a puppet. theory Blow up: from the videos they wanted to reach a composition of place, as did the Special Deputy Attorney Montes principle: The journalist Ricardo Rocha relaunched the hypothesis of the complicity of Othon Cortes to focus on the television to a strange man approaching, like a basketball player, the perimeter of tension and then seems to be the same extracts one from the waist, an alleged gun fails to draw. The great mystery remains that you never see who wields the Taurus killer, and that is the video grain-amplification does not allow the blow-up photograph of the film. Colosio in slow motion. The theory of reason of state: a ruler can not be blamed for masterminding his predecessor, even if tests because despanzurraría the same institutions are the President and his party lost power. He did the Warren Commission and LB Johnson on the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963. For reasons of state. Were disbelieved, therefore, the theory of the lone murderer from the beginning, as soon as they stepped off the plane in Tijuana and brought to the prosecutor Diego Valadés list, but common sense people do not accept, as many journalists do not endorse not have to work as judges or as notaries. They are not. You never really know how was the assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio in 1994. People know this intuitively, sorry, I guess, what follows, but has no proof. In the power struggle "to get or keep-it goes without saying that anything goes when the contest is between human beasts, whose more subtle baba continues to plague our most immediate historical memory. No one knows who had him killed, but you can feel. There is something that gives the character under suspicion. Nobody could have imagined that in our time a man of great power would be able to send a political killing brother, a colleague, a partner, an accomplice, a rival, someone who left the crate, but Mexican reality is stronger than political naivete. Though we can not believe it happens. Or at least that possibility is given to the character. This is what emanates from the character. It's something you do not know, that does not appear, you do not have the backing of the evidence, but it feels. We know that some "actor" of the policy may be capable of everything, anything, that looks horrible. For the psychotic, especially if you are at the summit of power, someone who not only has no superego, that is, awareness of evil. Is someone who has no compassion for others, is someone who can sleep soundly like a baby after having decided to do something to send to a healthy person would involve an unbearable sense of guilt, remorse that could lead to intolerable self-annihilation or at least, to never feel again life in some semblance of peace or good conscience. In this instigator or mastermind what happens is that you start to fail neurotransmitters. And it does not calculate the consequences of their actions. Economy is a political assassination. In the tragedy Macbeth there is only one theme: murder. It is the most obsessive of all the crimes created by Shakespeare. The crime, thinking about crime and the fear of crime take over everything. In cases such as political assassination is stronger than in others the need to discern and establish the truth in a credible and convincing. There are several ways to say it-seven, as Bertolt Brecht, are difficult to tell the truth and not only as determined in the courts: the dirty truth of the police, and dehumanized abstract truth of the judges who could be replaced by computers and programs "procedural logic." Very others are the ways in which literature is, journalism and the news story, essay (the thesis without proof), film, theater and political cartoon for possible approximation to the rough and uncomfortable truth . Because the legal truth often fails to convince anyone or used to cover other crimes, as indicated by the trail of uncertainty since the March 24, 1994 has left the assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio. In the final analysis, sooner or later, the truth itself teaches (as I said Torquato Tasso) and comes out as the body without burden of a dark lake. For almost twenty years away, and read from a present that is increasingly being done away from the analysis, the "special investigation" as mandated by the President of the Republic attorney Luis Raúl González Pérez find out all scenarios, broken down to the last detail giver-as-requested explanations on the biography of a member of the guard that spent the Presidential to the crime scene. However, the abundance of data to get credibility on the part of the "commission special "does not clear the doubts and someday we will know whether it was a wonderful, fantastic and monumental intellectual operation of concealment. In each of the five volumes is easy to see exculpate the concern for what was then President of Mexico. What Ricardo Gibert Tijuana attorney left him more puzzled Herrera's murder was the fact of protection. Deputy Commander of the State Judicial Police in Tijuana years ago and Federal prosecutor at the time of the crime, Ricardo Gibert Herrera-better known as the Yuca-telling: "I always coordinated with the Presidential when he came on tour President. It's something routine that the police are everywhere and the city state. Collaborate with law enforcement authorities from Mexico. I did many times. And I realized the rigor, discipline, military and technical preparation of what is an escort. Is a trained, ready to die, as the escort of the Colombian guerrillas, or of Fatah, the Mosaad, or president gringo. Have the same level and no one, mark it well, nobody, absolutely nobody can break the siege of the escort. Nobody. Not a fly. "It's like basketball: he who has the ball you are going around, they run with it. The escort staff provides a dual safety belt at the periphery of the official or candidate. There A Handbook for the Protection of officials, prepared by the Secretariat of National Defense in 1997, three years after the murder. At that time the Presidential General Staff, responsible for the custody of Colosio, was already a procedural manual, forty-five pages, to protect and defend public figures and it appears, as Augustine says in his article Ambriz Process March 5, 2000, that many of these procedures were violated by the escort of Sonora. In 1997, the Manual states that "the security element must be ready to defend the physical and / or moral (even with his own life) of the person or persons in their care and should not hesitate to repel an attack, even at a disadvantage, always thinking that the purpose for which it was trained to maintain undamaged and if free of any injury to person or persons entrusted to their custody. " Do not believe in Sonora that Colosio was missing the mettle of foxes, do not believe that he was depressed, do not believe that you were scared, do not believe they had broken inside. They feel the lightning strike came from the highest levels of power. Believe that saved the race of Sonora, who brought the breed, which was opposed, he said no, he left the Shepherd and Doberman Sonoran when he argued that he should resign to run for president. "Always no "He said. "Well I will not give," he said to Luis Donaldo dogs. If you want me and not a candidate, chíngense. Kill me then. Because I'm not going to go around the world as the idiot who first told him he would be president and then gave him a kick in the ass. If you do not want, chíngense. Get into a mess. Kill me.


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