Thursday, April 7, 2011

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In cases such as political assassination is stronger than in others the need to discern and establish the truth in a credible and convincing. There are several ways to say it, seven as Bertolt Brecht, and not only as determined in the courts: the dirty truth of the police, abstract truth and dehumanized by the judges. Very others are the ways in which literature is the test (the thesis without proof), film, theater and political cartoon for possible approximation to the rough and uncomfortable truth. Neither Naranjo, and Rocha, and Ephrem, and the Voyeur, and Camacho, tests need to share their intuitive perception of things. Also the cartoon is presented as a theory without proof. It is his privilege. Right or wrong, but it soon picks up a suspicion of the collective soul. The imaginative writer not needed testing. The only evidence is asking judges and police officers, evidence that other party may prepare and, in this country of all demons, are made very frequently. Because the legal truth-especially in Mexico where the justice system is always under suspicion-often fails to convince anyone or used to cover other crimes, as indicated by the trail of uncertainty since the March 24 1994 has left the assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio. At the end of the day, sooner or later, the truth itself teaches (as I said Torquato Tasso) and surfaces. We had to wait at least fifty years to know that President Calles and Alvaro Obregon ordered his accomplice to kill in 1927 to General Francisco Serrano Huzilac, Morelos, to dismiss it as a competitor for the presidency. For almost twenty years away, and read from a perspective that gives only the passage of time, the "special investigation" as mandated by the President of the Republic attorney Luis Raúl González Pérez delay in minutiae, starts out all scenarios breaks down to the last detail, such as who gives unsolicited explanations "in the biography of a member of the guard that spent the Presidential to the crime scene. However, the abundance of information to achieve credibility on the part of the "special commission" does not clear the doubts and someday we will know whether it was a wonderful, fantastic and intellectual operation monumental cover-up. In each of the five volumes is easy to see the concern exonerate Salinas. What Ricardo Gibert Tijuana attorney left him more puzzled Herrera's murder was the fact of protection. Deputy Commander of the State Judicial Police in Tijuana years ago and Federal prosecutor at the time of the crime, Ricardo Gibert Herrera-better known as the Yuca-telling: "I always coordinated with the Presidential when he came on tour President. Routine is something that all parties make the state police and municipal. Collaborate with law enforcement authorities from Mexico. I did many times. And I realized the rigor, discipline, military and technical preparation of what is an escort. Is a trained, ready to die, as the escort of the Colombian guerrillas, or of Fatah, the Mosaad, or president gringo. Have the same level and no one, mark it well, nobody, absolutely nobody can break the siege of the escort. Nobody. Not a fly. "It's like basketball: he who has the ball you are going around, they run with it. The escort staff provides a dual safety belt at the periphery of the official or candidate. There is a Staff Protection Manual, prepared by the Secretariat of National Defense in 1997, three years after the murder. At that time the Presidential General Staff, responsible for the custody of Colosio, was already a procedural manual, forty-five pages, to protect and defend public figures and it appears, as Augustine says in his article Ambriz Process March 5, 2000, that many of these procedures were violated by the escort of Sonora. In 1997, the Manual states that "the security element must be ready to defend the physical and / or moral (even with his own life) of the person or persons in their care and should not hesitate to repel aggression, be at a disadvantage even thinking at all times that the objective for which it was trained to maintain if unharmed and free of any injury to person or persons entrusted to their custody. " Do not believe in Sonora that Colosio was missing the mettle of foxes, do not believe that he was depressed, do not believe that you were scared, do not believe they had broken inside. They feel the lightning strike came from the highest levels of power. Believe that saved the race of Sonora, who brought the breed, which was opposed, he said no, he left the Shepherd and Doberman Sonoran when he argued that he should resign to run for president. "It's always no," he said. "Well I will not give," he said to Luis Donaldo dogs. If you want me and not a candidate, chíngense. Kill me then. Because I'm not going to go around the world as the idiot who first told him he would be president and then gave him a kick in the ass. If you do not want, chíngense. Get into a mess. Kill me.


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