Friday, February 12, 2010

Milena Velba -- German Beer

Interview Collection Procedures In

When companies take on their own collections, they have to have sufficient operational capacity to meet this obligation.

In what is expected, the collection should be implemented within the time that the company has proposed is within the scope of the normal collection. Achieve this goal guarantees 70% efficiency in collection.

For this to happen we need to get the debtor in an effective and above all persuasive, reflected in an interview that should be studied and prepared beforehand by the personnel carrying out this work.

interview can be arranged into four interrelated stages which are:

1. Preparation.

2. Initiation.
3. Termination.
4. Farewell.

then develop each to its proper understanding:

a) Preparation : The collection manager must master the knowledge that can positively or negatively affect an interview, it is very important to know that type of person is the customer who is going to interview and that status of your debt. This will give the key information on how they plan to build and argumentation.

Moreover, one must know in advance, collection techniques to be followed, according to the information you need is to structure the interview with his arguments trying to resolve in advance the most problems or objections that may arise from the debtor.

b) Initiation : Once the collector analyzes the information to the client, in relation to the interview to make, are chosen persuasion techniques to collect what is owed.

words, it is an argument structure for recovery that is more effective and better, while the collector the more prepared, better trained and have more agility and practice for the management of these techniques.

He has also explored the possibilities of information and organized and so that, as it has a fairly complete portrait of himself, what benefits will begin at the time of the interview and review all data is correct and if necessary increase it.

We must also consider that the initial impression of the interview will be a positive or negative, depending on the case and that the collector must be very careful in the argument and make a good impression.

When starting an interview to remember the following steps for beginners:
  1. may be important and helpful, especially in some cases, for the collector and the customer make an appointment adhere directly to the collection schedule set by the second.
  2. present and advertise with courtesy.
  3. Calling it by its title (technical or academic degree, if any).
  4. should not apologize for the time it took in the interview.
  5. Since the beginning should capture or focus all attention on something positive partner, the collector must take care of your voice, your personal appearance and attitudes, and not to act on small details will be constituted as forms of mental dispersion of the customer.
  6. argument is important to be flexible.
  7. Take your time, or at least take into account circumstances of the interview. This helps to get the client at all times express their willingness to pay.
c) Desire to Pay : The third step in the interview is to awaken the desire to pay. Is to develop a mental process that involves trust and action.

confidence and action can be created using a series of viable or valid arguments, and the fact that "we will charge you to have your free credit" or "the situation will improve as timely pay" or " interests will be less if paid within the limit set "," will have an additional premium for the payment advance ", etc..

This action strengthens the ego of the client and puts it at a preferential in the eyes of the company.

There are two ways to awaken the desire to pay:

The negative
That is to mention all the bad things that can happen to the client does not meet its obligation. Protests, costs and expenses of litigation, foreclosures, etc. (Very common in financial and banking institutions).

Positive That is to mention the benefits you can get if you pay on time their obligations: to maintain their status of being creditworthy, provide more facilities, discounts, premises, etc.. The effect and attention on the client wakes up this attitude can give us certainty about the desire to fulfill its obligation to the company.

then note the characteristics of a good argument:
  1. All arguments must be clear and precise.
  2. should be systematic, ie the attitudes must be rational to emotional.
  3. is important to ensure that the client understands what you are saying.
  4. need to catch up or customer level.
  5. The argument to fulfill its purpose must be concrete, studied and practiced or with a certain degree of effective persuasion.
The argument must earn customer trust, for which the first resource that can be used consists of being the supporting evidence, as it is important that the collection be supported with the presentation of invoices, letters, guides referral letters, overdue notices etc. These documents reinforce the argument and are of great help to the collector.

d) Termination and Dismissal : considerations in the mind of the customer always remains the beginning and end of the interview. And he's ready.

on our efforts to capture their attention depend on its positive response to our request.

care is important psychologically to the client to complete it, see if there is interest or not, you should not abruptly end the interview, not showing anxiety to conclude the interview, because it shows little interest or little capacity for argument.

farewells conclude in two situations:

• After
charged in this case should not thank effusively, ie give no intimation to the customer who has done a feat to pay but also show you just have to show indifference the client is still important and helpful to fulfill its obligation, but make him understand that this is a business engaged each other and that both will benefit.

• After failing to become
must be prevented at all costs to show through disgust for failing to collect, because if the customer notices, the relationships may appear difficult and not easily get new opportunities to meet with the client in future persecution, because even in the case of reaching a judicial collection, you must ensure that the client feels it is more advisable to pay or extra-judicially tranza to stop do so.


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