Friday, February 12, 2010

Is It Ok To Put Orajel On Anal Fissure

billing policy instruments collection procedures

The collection is an inherent part of any business that sells on credit. The credit is limited acceptance because of the elements of risk and time involved and, with these two elements is the natural factor or circumstantial, but the unfortunate circumstances of default by the debtor difficult situations not covered (no factor controlled).
The general payment of the debts were incurred not due to a generalization of honesty if not a convenience deeply rooted in the minds of manejan los negocio o a una costumbre formada como consecuencia de una necesidad, producto de las nuevas formas de ventas a plazos.

La función del cobro, no se concreta a exigir la cancelación de las deudas de los clientes mediante el pago que estos hacen de la cantidad que adeudan. Tampoco el existe de una función, se mide por la forma en que continuamente va disminuyendo el Activo Corriente representado por las cuentas por cobrar.

Puede afirmarse que cobrar limitándose a ello es realmente fácil; lo difícil es realizar el cobro manteniendo un buen nivel de reputación de la empresa, sin maltratar o disgustar al cliente, a no ser que lo mas beneficioso sea perderlo pues no reúnen the conditions required to give the company credit for the repeated difficulties in honoring their debts.

Receivable debts is a great task is a difficult job, a job that takes time and effort, it takes a lot of attention, much thought and above all, worry and concern all consume more than anything else.

Therefore, collection policies in a company that demonstrates organization should be designed to make the collection at an appropriate time and within a set schedule, allowing the customer does not exceed the limits are set, all with touch the customer needed to be considered more united to the company.

We consider that it is impossible to think that could be achieved absolute perfection in the collection in terms of total or partial payment of amounts due as scheduled expiration without damaging the goodwill of customers to the company.

There are cases where it is right to allow certain accounts in arrears on special occasions. The hard part is determining how and to what extent that policy can be followed in times of recession, moreover such a decision requires a serious and objective assessment.

It is recommended charging time with planned activities and set including such a strategic plan alternative materials for future conflicts warrant.


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