Friday, August 13, 2010

Slight Ache Above Right Testicle?

How Prepare a Loan Application Record Housing Policy?

Third Step: Preparation of the dossier to apply for housing loan policy.
We've already done the feasibility study of the operation, which determined the amount the bank will lend us and we know the requirements to build the file.

At this stage, we will build the housing policy file with all the precautions mentioned in the previous post.

Below an overview of how we should go on record to do so, you should keep two legal-size folders where you place all documents in original and one copy.

  • Loan Application Form Mortgage Housing Policy: This document is delivered by the financial operator to be completed by the applicant. Here is an example of this document:

  • Opening a bank account.

  • Place collections in the following order:

  • General Data.

  • Economic Data.

  • Data Guarantee.

  • Data Sellers.

  • Presentation of the original file and copy the financial operator.

  • Approval the mortgage loan.

  • Appraisal of the property.

  • Preparation document granting estate sales and mortgage at the Public Registry.


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