Saturday, August 14, 2010

Shipping Live Fish To Canada

mode for self-construction of Main Housing Finance

Specific Standards for the mode of financing for the self:

  • This credit is aimed at families not have primary residence and the owner of land located in urban and rural areas endowed with public services, or failing that, allocation alternative with the corresponding permits issued by the competent authorities in each area.

  • Financing will be provided as debt capacity of the applicant and joint applicants, up to an amount equal to 100% of budget value of work submitted by establishing security on the ground and the work built on him.

  • The funding will be disbursed as follows:
First Disbursement: the date of notarization of credit equal to 60% of the total amount approved.

Second Disbursement: for the remaining balance provided that this advance housing more than 50% of physical implementation which must be approved by the professional appointed by the Financial Operator and supervisor of this work.

beneficiaries can not sell the house until they have passed five (5) years from the date of probate credit.

  • When include direct housing subsidy should return it to its present value if the sale is made within five (5) years from their protocols.

  • For the disposal of property, must be authorized by the mortgagee.

  • The value of land subject to the self-financing, will be determined by appraisal which will be paid by the applicant.

  • After canceling the loan, the beneficiary may qualify for new financing for renovation or expansion, within five ( 5) years from the date of registration of the respective credit document.

  • This loan may be awarded up to once a beneficiary.

  • professionals who will oversee the work must be carried out:

    a) An initial visit, which will determine the feasibility of the work performed and the accuracy of the data and / or technical documents submitted by the applicant household.

    b) A second visit to check the progress of works and prescribe the proper use of resources for the first disbursement. Once issued the corresponding technical report, the Financial Operator shall cancel the second disbursement.


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