Antonio in Japanese kanji and meaning of Japanese characters and in their ascendant Chinese.
In Japanese
安 An, Yasui : cheap, easy, peaceful. To
堵 : near, fence, wall.
人 Nin, Jin, milestone : Person.男
Dan, Nan, otoko : man, male.
In Chinese
安 ān : safe, quiet.
堵 dǔ : block.人 rén
: Man, person.男
nán : man (male).
The first character 安 ān.
is represented by two characters, overlapping. Is the pictogram of a woman under the roof 宀 女 home, what makes you the man "quiet."
dǔ 堵 The second character.
is a composite character of land by radical 土, when writing to the left, is used to describe land-related objects and their qualities. The character represents the partition, the division between anterior and posterior 者.
者 zhe: Used as adherence to an idea, or a profession. It also means believer. It's an old 老 (lao) spoken 日. His radical and lǎo 耂 老 lao: elderly. Deriving from an ancient pictograph, which is mixed rén 人: 毛 ma man: hair, wool.
The third character is rén 人.
is the first character in the dictionary and derived from the pictogram of a man standing in front, legs open. Simplified two-strokes from each of his feet to the head.
The fourth character is 男 nan.
This pictograph means masculinity, as it is, a person responsible for applying their strength 力 (lì) for the cultivation of the fields 田 (Tian).

This character comes from an ancient pictograph, which showed a field and plow under 方 (fang), over time the plow was replaced by the representative character of biceps 力 (lì), as the symbol of force.
's character 男 nán , depicts a man who is courageous, tenacious, powerful, and so on.
hanzi 汉字 In / 汉字 Antonio is written Chinese.

安东尼 奥 in Piying: An Dong ní Àor .
That, as is evident contains other meanings except An 安 .
But that will be in another post ...
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