义理 GIRI (2 ª part.)
In a deeper analysis on writing and meanings, the study of Chinese calligraphy adds much meaning to the characters. Its origin, its ancient meanings, their simplification and their current meanings, much more help to understand the concept that has this YILI in China and what came later and was perpetuated in Japan as Giri.
What does Chinese calligraphy 义理 about these characters?.

义 Yi justice, righteousness. currently using another character to this meaning 义 Yi, which contains meaning also very appropriate. Having elected to his new arrow Calligraphy (弋 yì) reversed (or turned 45 degrees down), perhaps with the intention that where justice prevails, and arms can relax. It can be seen in the old character was a straight arrow and current addresses or points directly to the ground, like leaving the arrow pointing, not intimidating gesture. Character
义 (yì) has no equivalent in English, but contains a vast inner meaning, full of human values. Mainly emphasizing justice, honesty, loyalty, responsibility and courage.
Being composed of two parts, upper and lower 羊 我 .

In antiquity it was "perfect animal " docile giving wool, meat and bones and intestines were used as materials and household supplies. When the animal was big and fat, giving the meaning of "wealth , the animal was beautiful, and that was very good. So denote the meaning of "good ."
Transforming the meaning 美 Mei character comprised Yang and 羊 大 Dà, literally "goat large, supports the dictionary meanings, beautiful, beautiful / / good. So much kindness gave these animals was also synonymous with "beautiful animal " and therefore synonymous with beauty . "

According to Chinese writings and philosophical doctrines of Confucius and Mencius, this character is representative of " I " as my body (me and my own self). Embodying self and inner feeling, that unifies the body and the spirit of the person, but also to forget the ego egocentric to become the " I " participatory " us."我
Wǒ, I . Two spears ( 戈 GE) in conflict, each to one side. Represented the individual as opposed to others.

As a key semantic character appears frequently associated with weapons or war, although some of the most common has lost its original meaning.

The individual as opposed to others. 戈 GE, was an ancient weapon, a kind of halberd made of bronze and then iron.

Also during the Qin Dynasty , several decrees were established for the benefit of unifying the empire, from a character (calligraphy) equal to the whole empire, to the same diameter the wheels of cars. Through education about identical charges, the same currency, same laws, etc. Perhaps his biggest setback was the implementation of legalism , openly opposed philosophical doctrines of Confucianism.
Another character that I think gives more to meet GE 戈 戒 Jie; preventable. Above is the radical 戈 GE, halberd, down phonetically 廾 jie: two hands to pick up a halberd, expresses a strict surveillance. Originally meant to stay alert, " to guard."
My attempts to decipher the nature their lines of this Japanese kanji 弋, have not borne fruit, as many Japanese dictionaries I own, skip it, if the Internet that says that the character pictogram " a bent arrow for the use " .
弋 In Chinese is Yì , meaning "arrow recoverable." Give others characters meaning repeat an action, and a textual sense military. Becoming part of many other important characters. Recalling that the previous character was also present simplified 义 Yi justice, fair (remember China is calligraphy).
弋 in Japanese is a character that is directly linked to the personal guard and soldiers 弋 Yoku: arrest, detention / / shoot with a bow.我
WO was originally developed in the oracle bone script, which denoted a tool in the fight with a sharp point. And together form 羊 我 义, which can be interpreted literally as " I am a sheep." This means that one is willing to sacrifice in the name of justice, similar to when the sheep were sacrificed in honor of the Chinese character dioses.El 义 Yì remembers how people live their lives, that is, altruism.
义's character belongs to a special category called Huiyi ideograms (multiple meanings together), it owns the ideograms whose inner meaning is an amalgamation of various other meanings.
Yì 义 has a meaning so profound that it took a whole book to illustrate.义 is the subject of China's first historical novel written with titles in rhyme, called Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Luo Guanzhong of the Ming Dynasty. In the novel, several stories of the Three Kingdoms period (220-280 AD), where is used to illustrate various aspects of character 义.

理 Li; reason. cut to get the best interior streak 里, 王 jade, is subject to reason, as it must be the thought of man.
explaining the nature already gives an idea of \u200b\u200bits composition. His radical 王 Wang; King . Which is the union between heaven, earth, and men.
But it is its authentic character as to be written on the left represents symbolically to 玉 Yu, who is the real power. In ancient kings wore a belt with several stones of jade, of which only one is represented as a comma, you put it on the left to lose that point.
The evoluciónn of Lǐ. It was traditionally
lǐ 里 里 was then lǐ and simplified the current lǐ 里.

理 Ri In Japanese it means reason, logic.
What does Chinese calligraphy 义理 about these characters?.义 Yì In Chinese means, justice, righteousness. Li 理; reason. Can be written in two ways the classic and simplified 义理 (义理) in both is Yi Li.

The Gi in Japan.
In Japanese calligraphy Gi 义 comes to mean " justice," but not that which emanates from the law, if not, the belief of self-righteousness. In the belief that our actions, good deeds, are the way of righteousness through the moral and loyalty, and consequently we have pure and righteous acts.

That, as we see is truthful and authentic, character Gi 义, nombress was part of both teachers.

So you can see the emblem of WKSA (World Karate Shotokan Academy ), Taiji Kase association crease in 1989, together with the master Hiroshi Shirai . The emblem that served as a reference to the "line of karate " the teacher imparted to the disintegration of the partnership in 2001.

From that year the Master Taiji Kase creates a new association called Shotokan Ryu Kase Ha (Shotokan style of the teacher staff Kase) and not create any new logo, so way, which continued to be used prior WKSA. Master Kase
always spoke in many courses, their "obligation " with Shotokan Karate and especially with the memory of his teachers, a commitment to accountability, in the transmission of "legacy ." Not only was Karate, if not, that was an art.
As a living entity that is passed from master to student, and this art has been "transforming." Much progress has been a sport karate, almost as much as what has been lost in the teachings of the ancient masters based in the Budo.

For that reason and in its report, the teacher KASE sought to establish an education similar to the receive and seeking the same goals, also seeking their own teachers. Lessons to him, the framing, as in Japan called "武 道 Budō " as part of Budo was the "武 道 空手道 Budo Karate."
spoke several times of that 义理 Giri, contracted with the memory of the masters, with art and with his person, his way of seeing the karate, and how he had lived. Naming with a particular fondness for "Waka Sensei (Yoshitaka Funakoshi).
In Japanese martial arts, is the intermanente 禅 Zen (meditation), and many other arts Nipponese, who also provide for Giri , as a "reciprocal obligation and its " there are established concepts in Japan that go beyond the feeling of admiration or even worship. These precepts, most inmates in the Japanese mentality, the ideals that endure over time in memory of his teachers and ancestors.
The concepts of "obligation "Can be two ways. On liability, which has shrunk from the point of view of passive recipient. This type may be that you have contracted with the family, with parents and older siblings. As you have the "obligation " as a parent to educate your child well, it respects and obeys. The gratitude of the child will be their Giri, for life.
The Shi No On is On receiving the master . It is a On received through a voluntary relationship and where the teacher has put in you ideas, making them yours. When you become student, you become liable also to your teacher, get Giri one with him.
Note: Individuals who receive a On , become On jin (man on).
Again I can better explain the idea of \u200b\u200bShi No On, through his calligraphy china:
The first character (now simplified Shī 师) means 师 Shi; master model. Lead students indoors.
is uniquely Japanese Second の not, is equal to the English preposition or prefix " of ."
恩 The third is in , Kindness, goodness. The reason 因 yin, xin 心 heart. That comes to mean "teacher goodness" or "teacher kindness."
is In Japanese Shi No On 師 の 恩, his characters almost say the same, the first is 师 Shi, professor, expert . The second is の No, plus hiragana writing the possessive "de". The third is On 恩, kindness, favor . Meaning "teacher favor" or "teacher goodness."
is when going to receive that 恩 On and pull, when going to "pay" these debts to the teacher, we must "return these obligations." On 恩 man is considered from the point of view of "active return." So those who have received the Shi No On, have made a Giri 义理 with your teacher, school, style, etc . Again
Japanese ideals provide that Giri is equal to a "debt " and is due to be paid with mathematical equivalence "to the favor received ”, y el cual tienen un tiempo de duración establecido. Entra igualmente en los deberes hacia las personas con las que hay lazos de parentesco (familia), y la referente a los maestros.
En ambas, On y Shi No On , se agradece el trato recibido, el favor, la ayuda, la enseñanza, etc., es muy habitual el dar consejos, a los hijos y a los alumnos, en Japón. Lo que aquí en occidente, hasta puede está mal visto, esos consejos, son recibidos con agrado y gratitud, pues en el fondo son una muestra de generosidad, de amabilidad, de bondad y amor la que se recibe.
Es especialmente en las “ artes ” cuando el maestro, in his teachings and advice, applying a full concept of 恩 On, where the heart of the current master through reason to like the way he receives as a student. On being equivalent in the student's sensei and. Many teachers said about " heart to heart," there lives the authentic teaching.

The student acquires a Giri difficult to pay teachers (his sensei), which over the years just find a way to pay, and On the transmission of that as he is best passed, passing down the generations with the same feeling showing respect and gratitude for being able to do, which is why when teachers convey these teachings old and they do smile, knowing the vital importance and the time involved, knowing that they are finished paying an old debt.
Giri Another way, more or perhaps less known, is "to likewise Giri " which is nothing more than a Japanese version of " honor." Maybe in Japan where most of the "duty" to keep clean the good name of the family, the family reputation, or permanent refusal to failure. The
" duty "also, to oneself, undertake not to admit failure (professional) requires suppress any emotional demonstration in failure (considering them as inappropriate in public.)
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