When it comes to buying a home, one of the most important decisions you take a person in your life, we have a number of doubts, fears and uncertainties, especially when it is the first time you do, we do not know what are the steps that must be taken as an entity that we must look to clarify all doubts will surely go through your head:
What are the requirements to apply for a mortgage?
What papers should I file?
What is the maximum that I could pay the bank?
How I to pay monthly?
How much cash do I need for paperwork?
What are the expenses they incur?
Can I afford the monthly fee?
Do I approve the loan?
How long? Is it fast or slow?
How will I be charged in interest? What commission?
Finally, these questions and many more will be present throughout the long process of embarking on the purchase of your first primary home.
El propósito de Política Habitacional es brindarte información y orientación que te ayude a presentar tu solicitud de préstamo hipotecario de forma adecuada, ahorrando tiempo y dinero, para lograr la aprobación de tu hipoteca con los recursos provenientes de la política habitacional, logrando con ello la seguridad de un techo digno, contribuyendo al bienestar de tu familia.
Política habitacional es un blog que busca aclararte todas estas dudas, para que cuando decidas dar el paso de solicitar dinero prestado al banco para la compra de tu vivienda, tengas las ideas claras de cual es el proceso que vas a experience and know with any precision what documents to submit.
emphasis on the idea that being your first mortgage application using housing policy to do so, you need detailed guidance to take you by the hand throughout the process. This is what I intend to achieve. It is important that each article of this blog, leave your comments, questions, uncertainties, concerns or contributions so that we can serve all of the experiences of others. Do not have any fear of exposing your ideas and questions, as we can learn all.
Housing Policy provides step by step all the important elements come into play when preparing a credit file and foremost, determine the viability of the bank to lend me so I can buy my apartment or house.
Housing Policy is developed from the legal regulations in force in Venezuela for house purchase with system resources Housing Services and Habitat, based on principles and rights under the Constitution, our Constitution of Venezuela and guiding elements of adequate housing policy aimed at sectors of the population requiring financial resources for the acquisition of a housing solution that gives security to the family and satisfy the desire for personal fulfillment to the goal so often craving.
Housing Policy aims to be an instrument that gives you comfort and advice during the entire process of loan approval.
Housing Policy will guide you in assessing your financial situation and help you properly present your application file as having the legal framework of housing policy.
Housing Policy will keep you informed of laws, regulations and legislation in general and news that have to do with the financial sector, especially that which concerns us directly on housing policy.
Finally, housing policy will seek to resolve any questions that you submit in the day to day, in the process of handling your loan. Any constructive criticism you have on this blog, let me know so we can improve. We are aware that perfection is reached with your contributions, making the loan approval easier using Housing Policy.
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