Albanime 2011
XII Days Manga, Anime Leisure Albacete alternative.
The place where the event was held in Casa de Cultura José Saramago in the street and Tabera Cardinal Araoz.
is an activity that has already been doing twelve editions, which is an achievement for such a small city like this. OTAKU called culture, to spend a few hours walk from true geeks, and not that could be your children, and to some grandchildren.
I was on Saturday and I really enjoyed the influx of people dressed from morning to do various activities, but the star was the costume contest, called cosplay. I could see real works of art, a shame not to take the camera (^_^).
But for a good start I want to show this great artist called Mary Hamlet Dolores (Lolita Hamlet), which is the author of this year's poster. Not your typical poster is a poster made with what are these two days.

official poster.

sketch drawing Cartel.
represents in principle the idea of \u200b\u200bShonen and Shojo.
Shōnen (少年, boy) and Shōjo (少女, young girl), is a partner of a child between 14 and 18 and a girl of 10 to 18, terms that are commonly used in Japanese publications between these ages.
The Shōnen (少年, the characters say "small" y “año“, “pocos años“) se dedica más a los chicos más violento, con motivos de comparéis moho, heroísmo, etc.
En el Shōjo (少女, “pequeña mujer“) es más variado, cómics, moda y cosmética, pero esencialmente tocando el tema del “amor” como base en las relaciones con los chicos.
Así son ideas muy parecidas pero en el cartel, la autora ha querido dar el significado de unos hermanos, donde están entre la “juguesca y la riña”. Como casi siempre un niño “cinchando” a su hermana, o justo al contario. En esta ocasión comiendo Ramen.

Apparently in a meeting for the preparation of this event a young artist, presented a series of sketches, from which have been brought to the protagonists. The girl is called "NEUX" and called Esther (Tetra) and was the author, 2010. That, as I see it is also very representative to the jargon of drawing manga.

Poster 2010

Shonen would be a typical hyperactive kid who loves the action and enjoy fantasizing about all kinds of sports, ninja techniques, and ultimately all content of Shonen manga but at the same time is a piece of bread and let it handle well for his sister. On the other hand, when you are with your sister has a protective attitude toward her.

Shoujo, unlike his brother was delighted with stories much more sensitive and intimate. Very flirtatious and somewhat psychotic while enjoying abusing (always from the baby) to her brother.

As I see these, Shonen, and Shoujo have become the official mascots of Albanime.
You could play video games (standing in line, of course), buy Japanese goods, eat some things, and so on. Well I bought this shirt that I like and the truth was not inexpensive.

Among the many activities and a schedule that allowed in this "fair freaks", well there was also someone who was there to see what it is, but there were many people who came from other cities, just to see this event.
I could see a drawing workshop called "Drawing Workshop at Home." Well what you would call a good time to GEEK-DO.
http://www.kanpekisetto. com /
http://www.momogoro.es/ Http://www.kmerchan.com/
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