Tarragona, May 3 (EFE) .-
English Karate Federation has chosen the city of Tarragona host the championship in Spain in karate cadet, junior and sub'21, which will take place next December and will be an act of support for the candidacy of the eighteenth-Tarragona 2017 Mediterranean Games.
This has been reported the mayor and president of Tarragona 2017, Josep Felix Ballesteros and President of the Royal English Federation of Karate, Antonio Moreno, during the presentation and signing of the agreement, which took place today.
The championship meet between 16 and 17 December in the Arena Plaza Tarraco 600 competitors aged between 14 and 21, who participate in the arrangements for kata and kumite, and provide a high number of visitors to the city, which could amount, according to the Royal English Federation of Karate, 2,600 people, including relatives and staff of the organization. According
said Moreno, one of the main reasons that led to organizing the championship in the city is "Tarragona has shown interest to host the test and because this is the best way we can support the candidature of Tarragona 2017 ".
Ballesteros, meanwhile, said that "This is the second high-level sporting event held in National Tarraco Square Arena, installation planned in the sports plan for the Mediterranean Games.

Finally, Mario Rigau, chief executive of Tarragona 2017, has been advanced that it is possible that this week will know the decision of the International Committee of the Mediterranean Games (CIJM) on the future of the rival Rijeka that if no financial guarantees required, might not be a candidate. EFE.
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