Friday, February 12, 2010

Soundbar With Bluetooth

Collection Collection

collection procedures should be anticipated and deliberately planned so that they continue a series of steps or stages in a regular and orderly, for the purpose of a good collection procedure is to maximize the collection and minimizing losses of accounts receivable.

But in order to ensure prompt and regular payments, it is recommended that the following preliminary steps to establish an appropriate method of collection:

Collection Any procedure known traditional four stages: the reminder, demand response The emphasis and the action finally drástica.

El Recordatorio
Este primer caso es de carácter preventivo, puesto que se realiza con fechas anteriores a aquellas en que el deudor debe efectuar el pago puesto que su finalidad es prevenir casos de mora en el pago.

La practica común, tanto en organizaciones comerciales que venden si el consumidor como a empresas mayoristas, minoristas o detallistas en general, como los distribuidores y representantes, convienen en enviar al cliente un AVISO DE VENCIMIENTO o un ESTADO DE SITUACIÓN de la cuenta, en la cual figuran detalladamente los distintos montos que registran el total adeudamiento. Tales estados sirven como recordatorios y dan al cliente la oportunidad to verify their accuracy and compliance with outstanding debts to be canceled.

This notice should be moderate and impersonal, giving the client a feeling that has not been individualized, but they are receiving the same treatment as all other customers are in that situation.

Similarly, this notice must be sent even if the client was current on their payments, for reasons of caution or to strengthen the control of the collection. Included in this rating to the coupon book, which is also often used by companies which need to allow them to have greater control of their overdue notices.

For non-local clients this notice must be sent in time, choosing the fastest and most secure way. The use of "Courier" or hire couriers are the most appropriate for this service.

One of the essential requirements of a collection procedure is the promptness of delivery or sent the first notice and get your attention to the request for payment, if these attitudes capture the intent of the debtor, then get an answer quickly to our request.

But the technique more suitable for local customers, are the phone calls because they demand attention, makes the person required to suspend its activities and can get quick answers, as well as easily conclude, provides a personal and private.

Demand Answers
Debtors who do not react to the first notice shall be automatically subject to the next step, after a certain number of days (3 to 5 days after the due date) through collection letters and phone calls more insistent, not only remind the debtor that is in arrears, but also asked for a response because of its delay in paying its debt.

The tone will remain friendly and polite, but with the caveat that there was already a first warning. Anyway, it is logical to assume that there is some cause or unjustified failure to pay, such as temporary illiquidity, late arrival of the goods is little prospect of sales, etc.

The main purpose of this second stage is to provoke a reaction of the debtor, in order to determine the late payment and so try to give a solution to the problem presented. It is recommended, if the client is local, after sending a second reminder, the customer is visited by the collector.

Subsequently, if this does not respond to letters, he reminds through different instruments collection, that your account has expired and that its requirement to comply with debt is urgent.

Insist on Payment
If these steps fail, the collection moves into a phase of emphasis or persecution. This procedure is intended to implement an action program to apply to successive intervals as the debtor does not respond to collection efforts. In this case the attitude is different, because now you can suspect that the client has bad intentions or that do not intend to pay off the debt and therefore justifies a more drastic recovery actions; This step may include Several attempts of apersivimiento, severity and can be insisted by.

- Telephone.
- Letters of Attorney.
- vistit the Head of Collections.

A severe confrontation process by the Head and Collection Manager can help us have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe behavior and activities of the debtor.

If the credit was given to Surety or Guarantor, the persecution is carried out for both parties. It is recommended that the outcome of these actions are communicated to the management to provide for appropriate action.

Take decisive steps
In case of failure the above steps you should take a decisive step or drastic. (Expired ten days after the last notification in writing.) In the interim of time is advisable to make a final analysis of the client's situation before making drastic decisions.

Debtors who do not respond satisfactorily to the pressure of the steps listed above, can be classified into two groups:

• First group
They are included debtors who are willing to pay, but that are unable to do so in the short term (temporary illiquidity). In this case it is advisable to assist them allowing partial payments and extensions including a rescheduling of its debt if the case warrants it.

second group are those debtors who are able to pay while they do not have it or resist. In this case the company may decide to pass the debt to a lawyer, a collection manager or legal counsel if the company had. Immediate action will be on the collection out of court (Judicial Collection).

If there is a contract that allows, as in installment sales (with retention of ownership), may agree to run the recovery by lien or delivery of goods according to terms established.

is not possible to establish general rules for billing for all customers whether natural or legal so it is recommended to develop an operational and dynamic regulation of collection for each type of businesses that require an effective collection and especially preventive as noted in the previous section.


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