is important to determine that the courts can make use of three different types of processes by which they can demand payment of obligations o de títulos valores protestados por la falta de pago, siendo estos los siguientes: Proceso Ejecutivo, el Proceso Abreviado, y el Proceso de Acontecimiento.
E l embargo es una medida de fuerza a través de la cual se enajena una o varios bienes para garantizar el pago de una deuda. El bien o bienes embargado, de propiedad del deudor o de su aval son intervenidos por mandato judicial exclusivamente puesto que deviene de una orden judicial.
a) Embargo en Forma de Deposito: Dicho embargo se interpone contra los bienes muebles (Artefactos eléctricos, autos, equipos de oficina, etc.) appointing a custodian, as the person hired to guard the property until the court issues a final decision on the process. (Judgement). The
depositary is required to guard them in the same manner as is delivered in quality and quantity number.
b) Foreclosure Intervention Shape: This embargo should be against the collection of businesses, shopping centers, businesses and others. in order to intervene and collect on a daily or periodic sums demanded to cover the amount claimed as interest and costs more to lead the process.
appointing a controller in order to collect the amount owed, with the obligation to report the proceeds and comply strictly with its functions under the responsibility.
c) Attachment in Registration Form: This embargo should be against the property in order to affect them, such as enrolling in public records to be given preference over other creditors in case of auction or judicial adjudication.
d) Shape Retention Embargo : The embargo must in order to affect revenues from salaries, wages and other benefits payable to the forcing may affect 50%.
e) RE EMBARGO: The rearrest is that as it stands against the freezing and filed against the obligor's assets and / or guarantor. In such a situation may be as many foreclosures as there are debtors have no limits in this regard.
f) BUT BETTER: This measure sewn for and applied when the assets are seized are not sufficient or insufficient to cover the amount owed plus court costs, ie it can still affect other property to cover the amount owed. The fact that we dropped the embargo on goods difficult to perform a sufficient reason for the improvement, as is third party bringing on the seizures.
E l embargo es una medida de fuerza a través de la cual se enajena una o varios bienes para garantizar el pago de una deuda. El bien o bienes embargado, de propiedad del deudor o de su aval son intervenidos por mandato judicial exclusivamente puesto que deviene de una orden judicial.
a) Embargo en Forma de Deposito: Dicho embargo se interpone contra los bienes muebles (Artefactos eléctricos, autos, equipos de oficina, etc.) appointing a custodian, as the person hired to guard the property until the court issues a final decision on the process. (Judgement). The
depositary is required to guard them in the same manner as is delivered in quality and quantity number.
b) Foreclosure Intervention Shape: This embargo should be against the collection of businesses, shopping centers, businesses and others. in order to intervene and collect on a daily or periodic sums demanded to cover the amount claimed as interest and costs more to lead the process.
appointing a controller in order to collect the amount owed, with the obligation to report the proceeds and comply strictly with its functions under the responsibility.
c) Attachment in Registration Form: This embargo should be against the property in order to affect them, such as enrolling in public records to be given preference over other creditors in case of auction or judicial adjudication.
d) Shape Retention Embargo : The embargo must in order to affect revenues from salaries, wages and other benefits payable to the forcing may affect 50%.
e) RE EMBARGO: The rearrest is that as it stands against the freezing and filed against the obligor's assets and / or guarantor. In such a situation may be as many foreclosures as there are debtors have no limits in this regard.
f) BUT BETTER: This measure sewn for and applied when the assets are seized are not sufficient or insufficient to cover the amount owed plus court costs, ie it can still affect other property to cover the amount owed. The fact that we dropped the embargo on goods difficult to perform a sufficient reason for the improvement, as is third party bringing on the seizures.
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