Sunday, February 14, 2010

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All credit granted debt becomes the client and the debt generates interest and financing costs that have offered to the customer for buying. In see the client is aware that it is not a cash purchase a credit in the latter accepting the assignment of an interest that must be paid for the same according to the time that is agreed to pay the cancellation of this chapter take into consideration the system of interest and financing costs in granting credit.


One part of the Financial Administration and is responsible for exactly that it is to manage all financial resources of the company and the Manager Finance plays a dynamic role in the development of modern business which now extends beyond the reports, records, cash, and fundraising.

The Finance Company have always been considered part of the economy but for some time in the world and specifically in Peru becomes increasingly important in business administration and even more with technological innovations and constantly changing markets and competition have enabled this phenomenon of change is integrated into a vast knowledge.

3. MAXIMISING PROFITS FROM maximizing value
Very often we think that maximizing profits is the appropriate goal of the company, but it is not as wide as the goal of maximizing the wealth of investors.

earnings are always subject to the value of money over time and sincerely this leads to a particular risk group.

Another limitation of the objective of maximizing earnings per share is that it takes into account the risk or uncertainty of the possible flow of profits, some investment projects are more risky than others and therefore the uncertainty is subjected to variations it to be this study to minimize any flow possible risky or business without profit.

The accounting Peruvian Uniform system arises due to a basic need: Information uniform through the accounts in order to contribute to the development of the country, its main objectives are: to
) facilitate the registration of the company's operations with a standardized accounting language.

b) allow the study of economic and financial reality of the enterprise through standard models of financial studies, appendices, notes, forms required by state agencies (SUNAT, SBS, CONASEV, etc.).

c) Make comparative studies between firms in the same economic activity.

This General Accounting Plan is composed of a set of items and includes the following sectors:
  • Balance Sheet Accounts (from 1 to 5)
  • Management Accounts (6 and 7) Balance
  • Management Agents (8)

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The conciliation or arbitration is a system of extra-judicial dispute resolution where the parties themselves resolve the conflict (self-composition) completely peaceful with the help of a third party which may be a natural person or a conciliation center or even the same court in certain cases. In conciliation

third party assists and helps them find a solution to their conflict and formulas proposed arrangement, of course, are not binding on the parties. This process is based on confidentiality and good faith with the parties come to it. The conciliator should hear the statement made by the parties to the dispute, explain the procedure of conciliation to the parties, assisting them in exchanging information, helping them to define the points of conflict and suggest proposals for settlement of the dispute.

If there is a good agreement is drawn up an act, this act has the value of sentence.

The benefits of conciliation on the regular court system are:

a) Duration : We know the traditional delay of court proceedings due to the low number of judges, the large number of incidents , Resources, Annulments, exceptions and other means available to litigants to prevent the prompt decision of the dispute. In contrast, the grievance procedure is brief and, therefore, the conflict can be solved almost immediately.

b) Efficiency : The solution of the dispute to the center conciliation or conciliatory, and conciliators is done efficiently and that the procedure is limited to hearing the parties, their points of view, questioning about the facts, examine the evidence provided and to suggest or propose solutions that the parties may or not accept.

c) Easy access : The existence of the centers of conciliation and reconciliation in equity in legal clinics or neighborhood centers, allowing easier access to a dispute settlement mechanism. This represents an advantage because the access to justice requires the submission by counsel and the payment of court costs by the losing party to the litigation.

d) Satisfaction of Both Parties : The settlement allows the parties involved in resolving a dispute. This means that there is a winner and a loser as in judicial proceedings unless both parties are winners.

d) Greater flexibility : Reconciliation has a flexible procedure that can be modified if there is agreement between the parties and the conciliator, and, instead of court proceedings are strict and can not be changed because the procedural rules are public order and, therefore, close observation of both even the judge and the parties.

e) Increased capacity : Reconciliation requires training of the facilitators to enable them to conduct conciliation proceedings with seriousness, promptness, knowledge, objectivity and professionalism.

The success of the settlement depends on the quality of the facilitators and the willingness of the parties to resolve their disputes.

5.2. Settlement Class
  1. Conciliation court voluntarily.
  2. compulsory conciliation as a preliminary stage before starting the process.
  3. compulsory conciliation as a first step in the process.
  4. Conciliation and bilateral voluntary act of the parties.
5.3. Commercial Conciliation
laws in all commercial balance there is a mechanism by which the parties between whom there is a conflict susceptible transaction originated from a commercial business and derivative trading activities, try to resolve the dispute or the assistance of a third expert who proposed the compromise formulas to resolve the dispute and prevent it from reaching the civilian courts.

This procedure is simple and brief. It begins with a petition which states the name and address of the parties, the differences, the objectives of conciliation and proof of payment for the rights to the center of commercial arbitration and conciliation. Then summon the parties and becomes a conciliation meeting ending a record that includes the total or partial agreement stated that any agreement was reached.

As you can see, for an employer's trade balance is a useful alternative to recover outstanding debt cancellation to the extent that this process is faster and causes less personal inconvenience to the parties.

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Conciliation Judicial Process

The executive process that legal action is governed by the civil procedure code consistent with securities law by which their performance can be promoted under:
  1. Enforcement. Implementation
  2. title.
a) Common Requirements: Proceeds execution when the obligation is certain express and enforceable. If the obligation is to sum of money, should also be liquidated or settled by the operation.

b) Eligibility : You can sue perform the following steps:
  1. sum
  2. Dar Dar movable
  3. Make certain
  4. Do
c) Term of Trial Procedure Executive: In the Executive trial times are too short. For example executive demand filed, the court issued the order for payment, in the same execution ordering the execution is ordered to pay the sum made collection the next round, but otherwise be locking in their property.

can oppose the forced execution within 6 days of notification of the order of payment, such opposition can also deduct the exceptions as it deems appropriate, and may also ask pluspetición.

d) Amounts Collection Appointed Executive Way : According to Article 14 of DL 20236, provided that the debt is not settled, you may sue in the way of enforcement, when the amount is more than four salaries vital minimum for capital at the beginning of the judicial year. For the amount of trials is taken as base vital minimum cycle that governs the opening of the year this is the judicial January 2 each year.

e) Simulation Embargo: In the commercial arena, many people and bad traders to avoid paying debts and one or more creditors enjoy simulates a debt in complicity with someone you trust. So then this person happens to be based on a negotiable instrument simulated garnishes their goods to the debtor of bad faith, they are the true creditors, the assets already seized.

This simulation is planned, and punishable in the Inc 4 of Article 245 of the penal code referring to the generic scam.

is the interpretation of law made by judges, to see the set of statements that determines a criterion about a legal problem or dark in the texts or other sources of law.

our case there are acquittals or convictions for issuing debt instruments that are not covered by the Securities and Exchange Act or ancillary equipment to be analyzed to gain a better understanding of the risks run the merchant or entrepreneur when unknown the correct interpretation of the devices that give rise to legal collection, since many of them derived from civil lawsuits and enforceable.

legislation exists in our jurisprudence:
  1. Giro bill of exchange. Expiration
  2. executive action on debt instruments.
  3. protest action. Endorse
  4. securities. Tour
  5. assurance checks and post-dated.
  6. Renewal of pay and the same title value.
  7. Recognition of interest.
  8. irregularity in the filling of securities.
  9. Lack of collateral.
  10. Other related cases.

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Executive Legal Aspects of Credit and Collection Of Interest

is important to determine that the courts can make use of three different types of processes by which they can demand payment of obligations o de títulos valores protestados por la falta de pago, siendo estos los siguientes: Proceso Ejecutivo, el Proceso Abreviado, y el Proceso de Acontecimiento.

E l embargo es una medida de fuerza a través de la cual se enajena una o varios bienes para garantizar el pago de una deuda. El bien o bienes embargado, de propiedad del deudor o de su aval son intervenidos por mandato judicial exclusivamente puesto que deviene de una orden judicial.


a) Embargo en Forma de Deposito: Dicho embargo se interpone contra los bienes muebles (Artefactos eléctricos, autos, equipos de oficina, etc.) appointing a custodian, as the person hired to guard the property until the court issues a final decision on the process. (Judgement). The

depositary is required to guard them in the same manner as is delivered in quality and quantity number.

b) Foreclosure Intervention Shape: This embargo should be against the collection of businesses, shopping centers, businesses and others. in order to intervene and collect on a daily or periodic sums demanded to cover the amount claimed as interest and costs more to lead the process.

appointing a controller in order to collect the amount owed, with the obligation to report the proceeds and comply strictly with its functions under the responsibility.

c) Attachment in Registration Form: This embargo should be against the property in order to affect them, such as enrolling in public records to be given preference over other creditors in case of auction or judicial adjudication.

d) Shape Retention Embargo : The embargo must in order to affect revenues from salaries, wages and other benefits payable to the forcing may affect 50%.

e) RE EMBARGO: The rearrest is that as it stands against the freezing and filed against the obligor's assets and / or guarantor. In such a situation may be as many foreclosures as there are debtors have no limits in this regard.

f) BUT BETTER: This measure sewn for and applied when the assets are seized are not sufficient or insufficient to cover the amount owed plus court costs, ie it can still affect other property to cover the amount owed. The fact that we dropped the embargo on goods difficult to perform a sufficient reason for the improvement, as is third party bringing on the seizures.

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Applied Legal Costs In

When a debt becomes delinquent collections, take into account the default interest and administrative costs generated by the collection. To find out how much to charge for interest law we refer to 234113, which expresses the same shall be determined periodically by the Central Bank of Peru. Therefore the legal system is established by law for cases where no payment of any agreement or compact. Business activity regularly draws on the regulated interest for the banking system or financial.

The Civil Code introduces two terms of interest: the compensatory and the moratorium. Besides pointing out the legal interest.

revenue is that without prior stipulation between the parties states the law as a product of the entities that a debtor must repay. This interest is fixed by the Central Bank it currently amounts to compensatory interest as long as there has been no transaction in the fixed interest debt first.

compensatory interest is that on which the parties may agree in the use of capital, a sum of money or property and must be restored after one time, it has been stated in one form or another. In other words is the compensation received by the creditor for guarantees not to get no money or other property.

late interest is the required or imposed as a penalty for late payment or delay by the debtor in the demand for payment of debt. The defaulter is the interest that were agreed upon in the obligation, but had agreed interest, statutory interest should, in addition to default interest that is to make an addition to compensatory interest charged when the debtor in default.

civil code refines and extends this definition as stated in the second part of Article 1242 that the interest is in arrears when idenmizar aims of the delayed payment of a debt.

setting is the contracting parties and which may exceed the legal cup, but shall not exceed that rate usurious because in this case originated the clause void. This interest may have a compensatory nature or moratorium.

are the costs incurred by the legal procedures that are incurred at the opening of a trial for debt collection is this executive and ordinary. As already noted, these are divided with personal and procedural costs.

The former are regulated by the minimum fee schedule of the Bar Association, the second according to the costs incurred and proven at trial, both assessments are carried out by the notary and are paid at the end of the trial or the execution the process itself.

Without a doubt, the costs incurred in collecting delinquent on trial are the most difficult part in the enforcement of collection by the time used and the red tape that has sometimes unnecessary and burdensome for all parties involved.

This should be fully aware of both the entrepreneur and the manager deserves credit and collections and take into account what it means for Financial Planning and normal course of business.

Friday, February 12, 2010

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Collection Collection Agents Collection

costs for loans term recovery or partial payments are higher than costs for payment at one time (pointing to a fixed time period, or 30, 60, or 90 days date). Therefore, when required structured collection costs should take into account the above points.

Each installment credit, you must be registered to detail and customer receipts or written reports of the movement and status of your account. When the credits are a considerable amount, the cost of collection is reduced, it is not advisable to make small-scale credit if you have a working method adapted to the demands of this type of credit.

The cost of money invested creates an interest to be charged with considering the outstanding balance in many cases payment is not adjusted to the date or indicated in the contract. Thus in the following section will detail the interest rate applied to the formal collection when it is executed within the scope of the company. To do a better detailed explanation regarding the description of the interests and legal costs from the legal standpoint.

are all costs that do not vary in time tracking and billing management. Some of them are permanent staff costs, office maintenance, regular or rigorous paperwork, etc.

VARIABLE COSTS are those that vary over time and are the most significant and costly to manage collections. These are: telephone, letter, facsimile, legal formalities (protests and legal actions), outsourcing, (lawyers, agencies collection, research services, etc.

But we also have costs for collecting delinquent. Here we note that increases in legal collection, such as interest on arrears and compensation, court costs etc. including personnel and procedural safeguards that described below.

Having estimated the fixed and variable costs, including in these the average grace period that will be allotted to overdue accounts, there shall be adding the factor "interest credit." This should consider the expected utility in the business objectives and conditions market, with emphasis on the interest it charges competitors. Therefore, if you want to start credit operations, this interest must be less than the competition in order to be placed in a position in the market.

other hand, if demand for our products increases, this increase should be reflected in the cost of selling the product in cash, without changing the interest rate as a strategic measure, in the case of trade credit. This will help keep prices stable credit as an attractive option to customers and in response to competition.

To get a better view of the collection process, try to determine the balance point of the "accounts receivable" using the chart and shift the point of equilibrium and the effects of the backlog of unpaid bills and not paid. Here is how variable costs are increased significantly affect operating profit of accounts receivable.


It expresses the diagram, we can say that in the first quadrant indicates that as a grace period of 30 days and the payment of "X" currency units We define a Unit "A", after fixed costs and variable.

If you look at the units obtained at point "A" of the graph and scroll down to the drive "C" will conclude that the longer the days of delay, the less you see reflected our usefulness, taking into consideration the increase in variable costs. Additionally, aspects that can make these profits are even smaller than the graph above, the costs are "real" from the financial point of view are detailed below:

a) The opportunity cost of capital
b) Cost deficit financing of the capital.
c) Inflation.
d) the devaluation.

and actual costs from the point of view of marketing are;

a) Loss of customers for legal or judicial action.
b) Lack of stocks because they have no liquidity.
c) Reduced infrastructure and technology.
d) decrease in product quality and service.

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agents or sellers that is their attend scheduled visits to the client, create a certain relationship of friendship and trust are therefore best placed to collect outstanding debts.

In fact there are companies that have adopted this method of collection, especially when it comes to customers outside the town. (Provinces, marginal urban areas, remote districts, etc.).

A client may ignore urgent letters and leave doubt as to the creditor in collecting technique applied, but can not ignore the demand for payment from a vendor This must be paid upon or explain the delay.

The knowledge that the dealer has needs of its customers, enables him to keep the latter within your credit limit without offense. The broker or salesperson knows that the next request will be denied if your client is too big or if your account is late or is expired.

This knowledge encourages you to collect, while maintaining the goodwill of the customer.


Banks or financial institutions serving collection of securities and financial instruments by type of discount or portfolio, providing these services charge interest or commission which includes taxes and royalties Bank.

Normally, this service may serve as a quick solution to the requirements of the company that needs financing and current account advances, guarantees are the same for these capital contributions are backing the securities - securities and financial instruments. But not all collections can and should be in charge of banks, one of the reasons is that often the interest and the services they provide are not available to the dynamic needs of collection, in critical situations for the company (as may be the lack of liquidity).

is more, the Bank is limited only to send the debtor a notice of expiration with the result that if the debtor defaults, then the bank charges on current account customer, the value of the debt plus a collection fee. It is advisable in this case, select the accounts receivable before sending to the Bank.

additional collection services offered by these companies, also include collections under the heading of General Services, Utilities, entertainment etc, with the support of banking technology for expanding its personal banking services and support Bank Marketing.

These agencies already operating in our midst, as a professional service; its function is to collect delinquent accounts, or difficult to implement by formal means, take the collection for others. In most cases, these offices are dedicated to legal collection services, and extra-judicial are often managed by lawyers and other professionals related to credit and collections, the same as working for a growing need to provide these services as in times of economic crisis, the collection becomes heavy and creates a high risk to companies that have arrears. They have specially trained staff and even identified for such work and can according to your requirements and experience to fulfill their function. Are demanded by again significant and can be found even on the Internet.

A manager is a person who individually assume the role of recovery on account of a commission for each collection action to execute.

Their services can be taken by the trading company as a collections specialist or consultant, he can also assign a fixed salary with a view to make their services under fixed-term contracts. The cost of this service may be attractive if one takes into account the costs and continued focus on recovery issues that may arise in the company. This will depend in every case of the economic opportunity Company to hire specialized personnel.

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Other controls on the

collection system to be considered efficient, must be based on a monitoring procedure and, as far as this tends to the perfection, is to be obtained as a result of an efficient integration system .

Since the collection efficiency has a significant influence on the success or failure of the company, it is necessary to dwell on the issue of control. At the same we must consider not only the operational control of the collection, but also those relating to control of the funds collected.

controls may be similar to those applied fit and / or cash, as follows:

a) Crusader Management Control: Separating the tasks entirely proper management of the collection transactions that take place either .

b) Unification of Responsibility: Reasons for good administration, advised to focus on one person the responsibility for the custody of the funds.

c) Allocation other than income according to origin: In order to maintain fully differentiated funds from other revenue collections.

d) Immediate Deposit of Total Proceeds From the Collection: Eliminating the possibility of using them to stop payments or other cash transactions, which are not admitted to a bank account.

e) Staff turnover: For those involved in the movement of funds for safety reasons, this medium must be kept confidential as assaults and robberies are an ever present risk.

f) Common Tonnage by State Revenue Collections: These must be carried out by surprise and at all levels involved in the collection lines (conductors, boxes, income for third parties, etc.).

g) Verification sale period: From banks and tonnages for scheduled or not this review is always healthy to avoid unnecessary risks.

parallel, with controls on the movement of funds to implement them have specific controls collection operations. These are:

a) Using pre-numbered receipts.
b) Time of liquidation.
c) Endorsement of checks received as payment.
d) Checks to be deposited in date.
e) Securities received by mail.
f) Discounts for prompt payment.
g) Collection of documents. 12.3 Control

As indicated, it is common for companies to expedite their collection management, to implement its system of collection by collectors included in your return.

Under item, an analysis of management related to debt collection current account documented debts and debts in installments.

a) Current Account Debt : Generally this type of debt collectors do their management on the basis of monthly accounts summary issued by the company. In this regard accounts issued summaries of individual accounts, forwarding the original client and a copy to the collection.

b) Documented Debt: The Office Collection, issue a monthly return of the notes receivable due in the next period. On the basis of such information were made for each collector listings which are detailed in the identification of the notes receivable, their amounts and due dates.

c) Installment Debt: This type of collections, collectors operating in most cases, institutions, sports, cultural associations, etc.., They collect their dues. With this system, the collector receives the set of plates containing the various fees to be levied by each partner. When handed to the total payroll, billing office made him a charge to it, representing the total contributions receivable against each weekly payment settlement, the initial charge is reduced under the amount of the sum demanded.

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Collections Management Executive Oversight Collection Features Collection

When the company has branches, the collection must have a system of ongoing monitoring and control by management. Normally

responsible for the collection or the Manager is unable to travel or visit constantly delinquent customers outside the town, only when the amounts owed are a special attention when you've exhausted all the resources normally available to the company . This collection is usually troubled by the distance that is the debtor that is recommended to take the necessary precautions for their implementation.

Such monitoring will not be effective unless you consider a set of information tools such as:
  • Age of clients.
  • Classification and evaluation of the collection.
  • new and old customers.
  • Verification of correspondence sent and received.
  • Zoning.
  • Assessment balances in bank accounts.
  • daily collection report, etc..
  • trial If the client is subject to the judicial district in which the company has its headquarters.
collections that are in the town, the area manager should monitor recovery procedures by assigning a day or more a week to devote to visit delinquent customers whose accounts are significant.

This will keep a record of collection actions taken, as well as enabling all staff aware of the importance of getting paid to secure the future of the company.

both individualized information as a general collection of daily, weekly, biweekly and monthly must be known to the sales manager, as a way to help the work of the sales force, just as the Chief Bond to monitor monitoring accounts receivable.

is important to consider a grace period to customers before making a decision of persecution or drastic action. Each period of grace shall conform to the type of operation of the Credit; Conditions, Customer, Amount, and the risk that might mean for the company's failure to consider these variables. This can be from 1 to 10 days. It is recommended that this qualification is performed by a knowledgeable on the subject to avoid taking decisions are not executed prior to reality and is preferable to analyze the economic situation of the debtor.

Experience tells us that the treatment and classification of overdue accounts is the responsibility in the first instance the Head of Collections, who will report later with a report on the situation of each client on the details of collection actions immediately to the Chief superior.

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Make collections in inflationary or recessionary times for any organization is a difficult problem high risk and should be discussed and considered by both the Executive Management as the area when choosing their clients.

In times of recession, the credit factors and conditions are restricted by the serious distortions and illiquidity of the system, making it difficult to collection by the customer's inability to pay, and in many cases if there is no recovery run Those debts were to be part of the bad debt.

For these circumstances, from the standpoint of organizational and legal, is that the employer should consider the following suggestions to successfully face this situation if you want your collection to fulfill its goal:

constant capacity collection staff is an important factor in the operational development of the collection, changing conditions and unstable economic and financial policies, put in a bad position the company in general and trade in particular by the limited knowledge of collection techniques that allow them to make quick decisions that may result in temporary closure of the company that necessarily sold on credit.

An effective and efficient communication is the backbone of the entire collection process, namely timely information it requires the client's situation is important for the company to take decisions in time and so avoid those circumstances that the collection becomes slow or difficult. Not without saying that all communication Collection is welcomed either by the formal and informal means.

payment conditions must be specified in the loan transaction documents, the lack of this information by the customer, may cause disruption in the recovery of debt, money the company needs to meet its obligations in the short term.

therefore should not be given time to client to place objections to the payment or rules established beforehand. Therefore plays an important role here interviews collection and preventive actions that the company should establish in advance.

All delinquent account has two alternatives: one is to exhaust all instances of recovery, recovering the value of the debt installment payments and the other is that and come to a payment transaction, with full or partial reimbursement of the merchandise if it still exists, (contract with property retention), so that the debtor shall return all the merchandise has not sold and the balance payable upon transaction, or otherwise in the near future. If I had a contract with collateral or by a guarantor or surety, the arrangement should be conditional to raise the top of the guarantee or enforce the securities.

In either case, the transaction is more advisable to get into litigation. Economically speaking it is preferable to reach an early settlement and avoid additional costs, seeking recovery of the debt on favorable terms for the company and able to meet our obligations and maintain our solvency.

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factors that decrease the effective work of

Many collectors work subjects to uncontrollable contingencies in performing their daily work, however it is advisable to remember a few tips that may be significant or well-respective and are
  1. No visits according to forecasts and customer needs.
  2. No visits and contact link above the offer.
  3. not have a snapshot of consumer behavior in the assigned area.
  4. No collection volume comparison with the number of visits.
  5. not to average hours between visits to debtors who have attention repeatedly with clients who are new to the list of collections.
  6. No charge to meet the needs of the business but those of the collector.
  7. not keep track or daily reports of collections.
  8. Doing analysis largest collection accounts and especially those who are charged and como.No have sufficient information about the amounts and payment terms of the customer.
  9. not inform his superiors about the suspicious movements of customers.
correspondence has an important role in the collection, and if we want the ads and letters have the desired effect is to devote more time to his writing, persuasion and the reference interval.

that handles correspondence Collections Department is usually:
  1. warnings or Balance Due.
  2. Collection Letters.
  3. notarized letter.
  4. Notices.
For shipping costs, the correspondence is expensive to make and send.

Drafting correspondence for billing purposes, must meet certain characteristics that we detail below and in some cases by force of law imperative:

1. The style should suit the person who will usually be brief unless it is necessary to extend the uniqueness the case. As soon as the principle must prevail.

2. Do not mix multiple tracks in a single match, doing so undermines the effectiveness of it.

3. The concentration on one subject and in this case, debt collection, elevates the mind of the debtor that all attitudes of the collector is focused on collecting your debt.

4. the letter should not take more flattering than the courtesy to keep respect for the customer because it keeps a situation waiting to see the attitudes taken by the debtor in the future.

5. if the method is to send letters or forms, correspondence should be more apprehensive and exclusionary, but maintain the warmth.

6. It is advisable to send cards charging of different sizes and colors to identify the degree of persecution that each has on the customer tracking.

The idea is to create in the mind of the debtor that failure can cause damage, including and perhaps most important, they miss the good name which has placed the creditor and that the delay that negative attitude can be extended to other commercial enterprises.

In a company organized the models or form letters to write either printed surveys, which can serve the same for different situations and types of customers. These models have their code and / or its distinction as a way of organizing correspondence.

letters or notices must not be signed by one person, and if the representative of the signatory is exhausted, accompanying the signature of the Manager, may be the legal advisor or the person who is responsible recovery actions.

Finally the letter must have the following requirements:
  1. Report the amount of debt. Report
  2. place of payment, the same should be preferred in cash.
  3. When the collection originates outside the locality, and if payment is by bank, indicates the Account number to which payment must be paid.
  4. deadlines is drawn so that the debtor will endeavor to pay off your debt early.
Watch your vocabulary, sentence structure and emotional tone. Avoid phrases "trite" easy to use expressions that are part of the language of most people.

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Interview Collection Procedures In

When companies take on their own collections, they have to have sufficient operational capacity to meet this obligation.

In what is expected, the collection should be implemented within the time that the company has proposed is within the scope of the normal collection. Achieve this goal guarantees 70% efficiency in collection.

For this to happen we need to get the debtor in an effective and above all persuasive, reflected in an interview that should be studied and prepared beforehand by the personnel carrying out this work.

interview can be arranged into four interrelated stages which are:

1. Preparation.

2. Initiation.
3. Termination.
4. Farewell.

then develop each to its proper understanding:

a) Preparation : The collection manager must master the knowledge that can positively or negatively affect an interview, it is very important to know that type of person is the customer who is going to interview and that status of your debt. This will give the key information on how they plan to build and argumentation.

Moreover, one must know in advance, collection techniques to be followed, according to the information you need is to structure the interview with his arguments trying to resolve in advance the most problems or objections that may arise from the debtor.

b) Initiation : Once the collector analyzes the information to the client, in relation to the interview to make, are chosen persuasion techniques to collect what is owed.

words, it is an argument structure for recovery that is more effective and better, while the collector the more prepared, better trained and have more agility and practice for the management of these techniques.

He has also explored the possibilities of information and organized and so that, as it has a fairly complete portrait of himself, what benefits will begin at the time of the interview and review all data is correct and if necessary increase it.

We must also consider that the initial impression of the interview will be a positive or negative, depending on the case and that the collector must be very careful in the argument and make a good impression.

When starting an interview to remember the following steps for beginners:
  1. may be important and helpful, especially in some cases, for the collector and the customer make an appointment adhere directly to the collection schedule set by the second.
  2. present and advertise with courtesy.
  3. Calling it by its title (technical or academic degree, if any).
  4. should not apologize for the time it took in the interview.
  5. Since the beginning should capture or focus all attention on something positive partner, the collector must take care of your voice, your personal appearance and attitudes, and not to act on small details will be constituted as forms of mental dispersion of the customer.
  6. argument is important to be flexible.
  7. Take your time, or at least take into account circumstances of the interview. This helps to get the client at all times express their willingness to pay.
c) Desire to Pay : The third step in the interview is to awaken the desire to pay. Is to develop a mental process that involves trust and action.

confidence and action can be created using a series of viable or valid arguments, and the fact that "we will charge you to have your free credit" or "the situation will improve as timely pay" or " interests will be less if paid within the limit set "," will have an additional premium for the payment advance ", etc..

This action strengthens the ego of the client and puts it at a preferential in the eyes of the company.

There are two ways to awaken the desire to pay:

The negative
That is to mention all the bad things that can happen to the client does not meet its obligation. Protests, costs and expenses of litigation, foreclosures, etc. (Very common in financial and banking institutions).

Positive That is to mention the benefits you can get if you pay on time their obligations: to maintain their status of being creditworthy, provide more facilities, discounts, premises, etc.. The effect and attention on the client wakes up this attitude can give us certainty about the desire to fulfill its obligation to the company.

then note the characteristics of a good argument:
  1. All arguments must be clear and precise.
  2. should be systematic, ie the attitudes must be rational to emotional.
  3. is important to ensure that the client understands what you are saying.
  4. need to catch up or customer level.
  5. The argument to fulfill its purpose must be concrete, studied and practiced or with a certain degree of effective persuasion.
The argument must earn customer trust, for which the first resource that can be used consists of being the supporting evidence, as it is important that the collection be supported with the presentation of invoices, letters, guides referral letters, overdue notices etc. These documents reinforce the argument and are of great help to the collector.

d) Termination and Dismissal : considerations in the mind of the customer always remains the beginning and end of the interview. And he's ready.

on our efforts to capture their attention depend on its positive response to our request.

care is important psychologically to the client to complete it, see if there is interest or not, you should not abruptly end the interview, not showing anxiety to conclude the interview, because it shows little interest or little capacity for argument.

farewells conclude in two situations:

• After
charged in this case should not thank effusively, ie give no intimation to the customer who has done a feat to pay but also show you just have to show indifference the client is still important and helpful to fulfill its obligation, but make him understand that this is a business engaged each other and that both will benefit.

• After failing to become
must be prevented at all costs to show through disgust for failing to collect, because if the customer notices, the relationships may appear difficult and not easily get new opportunities to meet with the client in future persecution, because even in the case of reaching a judicial collection, you must ensure that the client feels it is more advisable to pay or extra-judicially tranza to stop do so.

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Collection Collection

collection procedures should be anticipated and deliberately planned so that they continue a series of steps or stages in a regular and orderly, for the purpose of a good collection procedure is to maximize the collection and minimizing losses of accounts receivable.

But in order to ensure prompt and regular payments, it is recommended that the following preliminary steps to establish an appropriate method of collection:

Collection Any procedure known traditional four stages: the reminder, demand response The emphasis and the action finally drástica.

El Recordatorio
Este primer caso es de carácter preventivo, puesto que se realiza con fechas anteriores a aquellas en que el deudor debe efectuar el pago puesto que su finalidad es prevenir casos de mora en el pago.

La practica común, tanto en organizaciones comerciales que venden si el consumidor como a empresas mayoristas, minoristas o detallistas en general, como los distribuidores y representantes, convienen en enviar al cliente un AVISO DE VENCIMIENTO o un ESTADO DE SITUACIÓN de la cuenta, en la cual figuran detalladamente los distintos montos que registran el total adeudamiento. Tales estados sirven como recordatorios y dan al cliente la oportunidad to verify their accuracy and compliance with outstanding debts to be canceled.

This notice should be moderate and impersonal, giving the client a feeling that has not been individualized, but they are receiving the same treatment as all other customers are in that situation.

Similarly, this notice must be sent even if the client was current on their payments, for reasons of caution or to strengthen the control of the collection. Included in this rating to the coupon book, which is also often used by companies which need to allow them to have greater control of their overdue notices.

For non-local clients this notice must be sent in time, choosing the fastest and most secure way. The use of "Courier" or hire couriers are the most appropriate for this service.

One of the essential requirements of a collection procedure is the promptness of delivery or sent the first notice and get your attention to the request for payment, if these attitudes capture the intent of the debtor, then get an answer quickly to our request.

But the technique more suitable for local customers, are the phone calls because they demand attention, makes the person required to suspend its activities and can get quick answers, as well as easily conclude, provides a personal and private.

Demand Answers
Debtors who do not react to the first notice shall be automatically subject to the next step, after a certain number of days (3 to 5 days after the due date) through collection letters and phone calls more insistent, not only remind the debtor that is in arrears, but also asked for a response because of its delay in paying its debt.

The tone will remain friendly and polite, but with the caveat that there was already a first warning. Anyway, it is logical to assume that there is some cause or unjustified failure to pay, such as temporary illiquidity, late arrival of the goods is little prospect of sales, etc.

The main purpose of this second stage is to provoke a reaction of the debtor, in order to determine the late payment and so try to give a solution to the problem presented. It is recommended, if the client is local, after sending a second reminder, the customer is visited by the collector.

Subsequently, if this does not respond to letters, he reminds through different instruments collection, that your account has expired and that its requirement to comply with debt is urgent.

Insist on Payment
If these steps fail, the collection moves into a phase of emphasis or persecution. This procedure is intended to implement an action program to apply to successive intervals as the debtor does not respond to collection efforts. In this case the attitude is different, because now you can suspect that the client has bad intentions or that do not intend to pay off the debt and therefore justifies a more drastic recovery actions; This step may include Several attempts of apersivimiento, severity and can be insisted by.

- Telephone.
- Letters of Attorney.
- vistit the Head of Collections.

A severe confrontation process by the Head and Collection Manager can help us have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe behavior and activities of the debtor.

If the credit was given to Surety or Guarantor, the persecution is carried out for both parties. It is recommended that the outcome of these actions are communicated to the management to provide for appropriate action.

Take decisive steps
In case of failure the above steps you should take a decisive step or drastic. (Expired ten days after the last notification in writing.) In the interim of time is advisable to make a final analysis of the client's situation before making drastic decisions.

Debtors who do not respond satisfactorily to the pressure of the steps listed above, can be classified into two groups:

• First group
They are included debtors who are willing to pay, but that are unable to do so in the short term (temporary illiquidity). In this case it is advisable to assist them allowing partial payments and extensions including a rescheduling of its debt if the case warrants it.

second group are those debtors who are able to pay while they do not have it or resist. In this case the company may decide to pass the debt to a lawyer, a collection manager or legal counsel if the company had. Immediate action will be on the collection out of court (Judicial Collection).

If there is a contract that allows, as in installment sales (with retention of ownership), may agree to run the recovery by lien or delivery of goods according to terms established.

is not possible to establish general rules for billing for all customers whether natural or legal so it is recommended to develop an operational and dynamic regulation of collection for each type of businesses that require an effective collection and especially preventive as noted in the previous section.

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Specific conditions for an effective collection

The success of a collection management depends crucially on the following aspects to be taken into account:
  1. Consider the success of the collection begins with a thorough evaluation of credit applications.
  2. Collections are part of the financial and commercial role, therefore, entirely the objective of collection, is considered in the implementation of procedures for collecting the life of the debtor as a customer of the company.
  3. Establishing policies, procedures and strategies associated with debt collection, outline if appropriate way to meet the needs, monitoring and control of collection operations.
  4. The collection staff training in the marketing function and especially in the development of skills aimed at improving their bargaining power and communications are important to obtain favorable results in collection management.
  5. La automatización de los procesos internos de la empresa, relacionados con la gestión de cobranzas permite ejercer dicha función con mayor orden, rapidez y calidad en la información, colocando a la organización en un nivel competitivo.
El Cobrador no es un elemento mas de Dpto. de Créditos y Cobranzas, es uno de los engranajes que pone en marcha el sistema económico de la empresa. Es a través de su gestión con la que se cierra en definitiva el ciclo de la venta y con la que así mismo se competa el ciclo de negocio.

Con un breve análisis a lo arriba expuesto, podemos comprender what is today the true role of collector and importance for the business activity.

Good collector must develop certain skills and techniques designed to improve professional standards and performance within the company. Never forget that a good collection give more security to the administrative management of the business enterprise, especially those whose primary function is to sell only in installments. Here are the main things to consider for exercising proper collection management:

  • personal appearance.
  • Voice.
  • Vocabulary.
  • Attitudes.
  • mental skills.
  • Skills for collection.
  • Technical knowledge of the collection.
  • Path of the company.
  • collection policies.
  • production processes, raw materials, inputs and product applications.
  • Competition.
  • I to feel calm. Wish
  • profit.
  • want to imitate.
  • want to excel. I
  • security.
  • Risk in customer management. Possibility
  • customer bankruptcy. Register
  • recovery actions.
  • Negotiator. Comprehensive
  • .
  • Sereno.
  • Objective.
Within the context of Human Resource Management, requires special attention to personal collections, as well as the sales, training, and training must be ongoing as we shall see later. Is that although the collector captures our attention in terms of collection rate their staff do not forget the other people who must perform their tasks effectively to the collection function to meet the requirements of the company.

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Restrictive Indications That Affect

When decisions are framed within the collection policies, and specifically in the management, we must bear in mind the following:

Customers can be classified from the point of view of the collection, within the following groups:

a) Customers who misrepresent the terms of payment.
b) Customers who neglected due dates because of lower stocks.
c) Client overlooking their debts, negligence or poor work methods.
d) Customers usually are delayed for personal or business reasons, but they pay within the limits that they put the company.
e) Customers who are always behind.
f) Customers can pay on time, but neglect the due dates because they think it is more profitable for them, using money from the creditor that his own money.
g) Customers who are on the verge of insolvency or actually insolvent.
h) Customers who deliberately commit fraud.

Management of customer information and your debts must be taken very carefully, very accurately in full and current, so that a detailed inspection shed as a result the client's behavior towards the firm.

If the company provides credit is operating within a limited capital structure, will be forced to adopt stricter collection policies, in order to remain in a position to pay its debts shortened term. The experience enables us to advise that payment of these customers can be very slow if no appropriate measures are taken, and that this attitude could jeopardize the financial stability of the company.

If the creditor is not a covered loan with collateral the collection can be classified as high risk.

trading company that plans to sell their goods on credit, must take account of actions taken its competitors, as these actions can have a major influence on their charging policies.

therefore be necessary to improve the collection by using new methods and other forms of payment according to what is currently on the market, and further, learn, access and evaluate the techniques in which competition works on collections.

The methods and collection practices tend to vary in the type of business or activity carried out by the company and method of operation, the type of merchandise it sells.

Thus for example the collection conditions will be different for bread products staple wear or for those oriented to the culture, recreation or entertainment, including in them the white goods or brown, or luxuries such as a gold watch, a luxury car or leisure travel to different parts of the world.

2.5. The profit margin
The broad margin of profit, has a significant influence on the collection policies implemented. The wider profit margin with which the company operates, will be more lenient collection policies, such longer terms of payment, by contrast, reduced margins will not allow delays in payment and collection procedures expensive, such very short time.

credit policies made by the company, affecting the liberal tendencies, they can match the competition or the economic environment. That in many cases can be restrictive or speculative, but should not be forgotten that the purpose of the credit is to encourage sales of the collection and will minimize the risk and provide adequate liquidity to maintain financial health of the company.

The registration and control methods being used have a direct effect on the collection policies because it is very important to have all the logistical support as to the timely delivery of all documents and formats for information to flow quickly. The modern use of communications should be available to the Department of Collections for that it may carry out its work efficiently.

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billing policy instruments collection procedures

The collection is an inherent part of any business that sells on credit. The credit is limited acceptance because of the elements of risk and time involved and, with these two elements is the natural factor or circumstantial, but the unfortunate circumstances of default by the debtor difficult situations not covered (no factor controlled).
The general payment of the debts were incurred not due to a generalization of honesty if not a convenience deeply rooted in the minds of manejan los negocio o a una costumbre formada como consecuencia de una necesidad, producto de las nuevas formas de ventas a plazos.

La función del cobro, no se concreta a exigir la cancelación de las deudas de los clientes mediante el pago que estos hacen de la cantidad que adeudan. Tampoco el existe de una función, se mide por la forma en que continuamente va disminuyendo el Activo Corriente representado por las cuentas por cobrar.

Puede afirmarse que cobrar limitándose a ello es realmente fácil; lo difícil es realizar el cobro manteniendo un buen nivel de reputación de la empresa, sin maltratar o disgustar al cliente, a no ser que lo mas beneficioso sea perderlo pues no reúnen the conditions required to give the company credit for the repeated difficulties in honoring their debts.

Receivable debts is a great task is a difficult job, a job that takes time and effort, it takes a lot of attention, much thought and above all, worry and concern all consume more than anything else.

Therefore, collection policies in a company that demonstrates organization should be designed to make the collection at an appropriate time and within a set schedule, allowing the customer does not exceed the limits are set, all with touch the customer needed to be considered more united to the company.

We consider that it is impossible to think that could be achieved absolute perfection in the collection in terms of total or partial payment of amounts due as scheduled expiration without damaging the goodwill of customers to the company.

There are cases where it is right to allow certain accounts in arrears on special occasions. The hard part is determining how and to what extent that policy can be followed in times of recession, moreover such a decision requires a serious and objective assessment.

It is recommended charging time with planned activities and set including such a strategic plan alternative materials for future conflicts warrant.

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Regardless of these instruments that are formalized through legal procedures, there are other simpler but equally useful in commercial transactions. The simplicity is not at odds with the lack of legislation but are the way business people conduct their business transactions on credit and ask for it guarantees immediate sales needs and risk.

Especially in places inside the country where trade is not modernized and trade are governed by custom arising by the idiosyncrasies and lifestyles of its inhabitants who have imposed certain rules that are part of trading.

14.1. CHECK
The check is an immediate payment document specified as a title-value differs from previous instruments to be effective in its sole presentation. It is also a straightforward order issued against a bank that pays a certain amount of money in favor of a third party. The requirements for issuance and circulation are in the Securities and Exchange Law.

fundamental requirement is to draw a check, in which the spinner must have sufficient funds or overdraft authorization granted by the bank because this is a means of immediate payment by exchange effects.

in trade is often used to support credit operations, as collateral to issue the check future date, to coincide with the maturity of the debt payment. This custom is rooted in business, so its use as an instrument of guarantee.

The check is a negotiable instrument and easily by means of endorsement. To check compliance with this requirement is necessary to take into account:

1. Should indicate the name and signature of the endorser.
2. Must contain the name of the endorser.
3. It should contain the kind of endorsement.

Different takes on the check names give rise to various forms of use, such as, for example: Cheque Cruzado, check to cover current account Nontransferable check, certified check, cashier checks and travelers checks .

1. The corresponding number.
2. The pure and simple order to pay a certain amount of money.
3. The name and address of the drawee bank.
4. The name of the place and date of issue.
5. The signature of the drawer that has the capacity of principal.

The commercial invoice is not an instrument of securities, not to be regulated by the Securities and Exchange Act, therefore its enforceability will be different. This however is a document that serves as evidence of the conduct of a commercial transaction being mandatory issue. This document is subject to requirements and tax formalities until details of the fate of their copies, prior authorizations for printing and file special form, nature and purpose is different from the conformal factor.

is however many transactions business transactions are done at your request and one representation. It can also serve as collateral for the transmission of a good position to be bought on credit that while this is not paid in full, the position it is not transferable to those who require it.

Requirements 1. Numeration.
2. Name or consignee to whom the invoice is issued.
3. Customer name or consignee.
4. Description and price of the goods.
5. Total amount in numbers and letters.
6. Cancellation Date.
7. Other requirements of law.

The business is very often makes use of contracts to formalize a commercial operation agreement, a promise of sale, a promise of payment, etc. pre-order. The simple act of signing a contract and recognizes allows a contractual relationship between a debtor and a creditor.

A contract is an agreement that creates a bond between the people who make and extinguished according to their compliance. More explicitly, we refer to the civil code which says that the contract is an agreement between two or more parties to create, regulate, modify or terminate a legal relationship equity. Implicit in this definition are two elements: the manifestation of will and the creation of a legal relationship. These can be improved with the consent of the parties, except those that also must observe the manner prescribed by law on pain of nullity.
There are several types of contracts either by their nature, form and conditions, but we only refer to the types of contracts used in commerce.

These can be by classification in perfect and imperfect. The perfect are those who do not have any requirements for full legal force and we have contracts that are formalized by the rule of law such as the Note the Warrant, the Learsing, the Mortgage, the Bond, etc. and imperfect that for making them show no imperative law, for example, the purchase and sale, the promissory note, agreement of parties, the advance payment, etc. supply contract.

The law of contract is found in the commercial code (Art. From 50 to 62) and general provisions, and its legal system in the civil code (Art. 1351 to 1490).

1. The legal obligation of the contract must be lawful.
2. That persons involved in the contract have legal capacity to execute.
3. The possible lawful act and the act of fulfilling it.
4. A contract must be in writing and consented by the people involved in them.

a credit instrument for registration, maintenance and control must have certain characteristics, among them are:

1. Contains an economic right.
2. It is a document that is intended to run through different mechanisms such endorsement or transfer nominative power or real value this has.
3. To comply with the formalities and procedures established by law or you will lose your destination circulatory and nature of securities.

According to these characteristics, a credit document is a security whose preservation should be held by the company in order to bring actions for change. But even if this occurs, these documents may be destroyed in whole or in part by altering the value and causing inefficiency in collection.

According to Securities and Exchange Act may occur the text of the document is altered so that the essential data for identification persist, in this case is not necessary to declare their inefficiency, but the rightful owner of the document may find it difficult at the time of transfer by endorsement (in the case a bill of exchange), as third parties in order to acquire the property do not brazen.

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Supplemental Credit Instruments Systematization

For an effective collection is essential to have knowledge of the purpose and use of each instrument to promote and secure credit because they constitute the basic tools to support work professional each transaction of this nature includes and represents the security and the creditor's right to receive payment.

Trade credit is generally used in securities such as bills of exchange for his versatility and knowledge in the area, the credit card, the Promissory Notes or the Warrant are used in the financial system security instruments in the granting of bank credit, credit operations and business customers frequently to increase their working capital, purchase goods or increase their assets. It is our understanding that the versatility and use of securities, assume the virtue of providing marketing of goods and services as the holder of the credit, do not have to notify its transfer to the debtor. Deserves special attention as a title check value to ensure loans in special circumstances and that its use is common in local trade.

But what is a securities?, Under the law is a document that contains a wealth of private law intended to run in compliance with the formalities established by law. Is a necessary tool to enforce the law literally and self-contained in that document.

Another instrument used by banks and financial institutions is the Letter of Guarantee and Learsing or lease, the bank guarantee as a form of special credit, since the new law on banks and financial institutions considered as active and as the name assume the characteristics of credits. Similarly Invoice Factoring as compliance and new forms of financial instruments.

documents also have well-known in commercial practice such as invoices, receipts, and private contracts that are usually considered as debt instruments between traders and customers.
can not be denied the speed and volume of commercial transactions in modern times requires trade, makes every day are required legal instruments, mechanisms and appropriate markets for the movement of capital, able to provide legal certainty and effective and efficient delivery of care business.

Before describing the characteristics of each of the credit instruments, knowledge of the use thereof by the employer can be classified into short-term loans, medium and long term. This can be treated for giving credit to the funding it. However, in the trading system is not well known credits long term.
then analyze them either one by one:

is a credit instrument that tests required by its mere existence, without being necessary to consider the causes that gave rise, considering this ground as a tool for abstract and autonomous.

addition, the bill of exchange has the characteristic of the payment order, and that through it a person who has a claim against another and that is not expired but will expire, may be financed through a bank or a future date assume that a third party debt in solidarity. Also, the bill of exchange is the title higher value employment in the business.

The letter serves to support trade credit purchase, or as collateral for short-term. Likewise, the letter can be endorsed because it is a paper currency and finance because it is accepted in the banking and financial system as a tool for collection.

The letters also can be backed up, secured and guaranteed. Are endorsed when its business and its acceptance are paid by individuals or corporations the same as by accepting, consisting this in the relevant securities. Is to strengthen when backed by a letter of solidarity bond, irrevocable, unconditional and immediate implementation, issued by a bank or financial. Is guaranteed when its release have specific additional safeguards.

bill of exchange, to be valid as such and in accordance with securities law can only be rotated:
  1. The View: Pay your own presentation.
  2. Ahead Views: When the deadline for payment starts to be calculated from acceptance.
  3. date
  4. Ahead: The paid on the appointed days counted from the date of issue.
  5. Fixed Ahead: We pay as directed according to the document.
Depending on who use the bill of exchange and according to its format, individuals use a simple typeface, while legal persons (companies or organizations) are doing with their own impressions. Do not forget that any bill of exchange is payable at the address specified in it, as this ensures compliance with the obligation.

According to securities law Securities and bill of exchange must contain:

1. The term bill of exchange or other equivalent.
2. The unconditional order to pay a certain amount of money.
3. The name of the person in charge of turning point.
4. The expiration date.
5. The indication of place of payment.
6. The name of the person to whom payment must be made.
7. The indication of the date and place of issuance of the letter.
8. The name and signature of the person issuing the letter.

13.2. PAYING
a security is suitable for documenting credit direct cash obligations between a creditor and a debtor, the latter being where the note is in favor of the former. Unlike the bill of exchange that is a security causal order, ie in this document are agreed the conditions that give rise to the claim, including in it the collateral that secures the obligation, giving him an advantage over point as to minimize the risk of a credit covenant because this compelled to point out the cause and ensuring as optional.

The promissory note is almost always used to obtain bank credit for being a security point most complete, but commercial use is increasingly widespread and accepted. Hence the name of bank notes and commercial. In this lending is recognized that the interest payable will be the default interest and compensation. It should also take into account that the default interest, to be charged, must be compact, otherwise only be receivable compensatory interest or otherwise in legal interest.

The note has a term not less than 30 days nor more than 180, which can be either renewable.

  1. The name of Pay or Pay to the Order of:
  2. The indication of the date and place of issue.
  3. The straightforward promise to pay a sum of money within a specified period or determinable in the case of legally admitted capital adjustment.
  4. The name of the person to whom payment must be made.
  5. The indication of the maturity and the place to be paid.
  6. The name and signature of the sender.
is a debt issuing general deposit warehouses. The deposit certificate evidencing ownership of the goods or items left in the store that issued the title.

The Warrant is a test title and the presence of a claim of lien on the goods or property as specified in the "Certificate of deposit" for. This Certificate is issued by the Warehouses that certifies the ownership of the goods and merchants deposited in the warehouse. Goods delivered to stores must be insured against fire or other disaster or emergency presented. The holder of the warrant certificate and may sell the goods, without having to physically deliver it to the buyer because it is enough to make delivery of the certificate and the respective Warrants.

is appropriate to note that by endorsing a warrant, the creditor has a preferential right over any other creditors that their loans will be paid, may in case of failure to make forced to auction the goods, rights not invalidate or even bankruptcy, disability or death of the obligor, and the Warrant is solid warranty.

You can also occur if the holder of the Warrants can certificaos and collateralized loan request with the documents that makes consideration of the entities that require these guarantees to give their credit.

This instrument is often used by industrial companies rather than by trade or service, because it has more advantage in obtaining loans using as collateral their finished products.

However, the wholesaler, you can also leave deposit their merchandise sales are seasonal and do not necessarily need them, but to a new sales campaign. Additionally, the title means Warrant, Certificate of deposit indicates the characteristics of the property deposited in the store, both can be endorsed or used as security documents.
  1. Name and address of the depositor.
  2. Date of issue.
  3. Technical description of the quantity, weight and quality of the goods that are left on deposit.
  4. Warehouse Designation and seal and signature of the Administrator.
  5. Certificate Order Number
  6. Name of Bank or entity to whom the merchandise is entered.
  7. insurance amount, name and address of the insurer.
  8. Total payment for the storage, maintenance and operations related to the goods.
consider a direct short-term credit and its use is by credit card used as payment methods. The advantage of this type of loan is that it is versatile and practical for use. Its operation and moving it takes money to call it "plastic."

financial institutions make loans to managers or owners of the enterprises based on income amounts determined to be handled in savings accounts and / or checking accounts. Its use is oriented to obtain credit in the short term, especially for consumer goods and services.

Assuming a classification, we can say that in our environment are outstanding bank credit cards and business credit cards, although both are aimed at meeting the credit needs of the users we can say that there is marked difference between them. No credit cards or commercial bank lending is characterized by revolving, ie lines that are activated as the client is canceling their quotas. The amounts granted are variable and that these respond to customer qualification, availability and management of financial institutions.

We can affirm that the commercial credit cards are differences in the bank because they are less risky, for that reason the interest rates are lower.

  1. Savings Account and / or current account.
  2. Enforceable requirements
  3. Application and Contract
  4. required by the Bank Guarantees
This is not a negotiable document under the terms of the security, but the right arising from the letter is assignable, as any economic right, after notification of the assignment to the debtor, or the issuing bank from paying.

the bank security is a secured document and is personally guaranteed by debtor and creditor with specific responsibility of the issuing bank, who will be required to answer for the debt if the debtor defaults.

is very common to use letters of guarantee and guarantees to third parties, is required use in bidding participation or support for the performance of work or business, there various uses, such as contract signing, advance bail guarantee of payment, etc.

letters are supportive bonds, irrevocable and automatically. Just a creditor of the client's delivery of a notarized notice to the bank, on behalf of this, have to pay.

This instrument is little known in the business but common to see its effectiveness in supporting trade credit obligations.

  1. Date of issue.
  2. Name of the issuing bank.
  3. Name of the Beneficiary.
  4. Purpose and amount approved.
  5. Deadline for cancellation of credit.
  6. additional requirements.
constitutes a form of medium-term credit is allowed in the trade because is a contract for the lease object or location of movable and immovable property acquired by a third party lessor company for the use of the lessee. This Agreement transfers to the lessee contract transfers all benefits and risks inherent in the ownership rights to the leased asset. States that the financial operation is generally learsing made between legal persons and that tax has some benefits, not so for natural persons. By paying regular installments and an option for the lessee to buy the goods at a value agreed.

has to specify that the lessor is a company Financial, while the Tenant shall be a legal person. The main characteristic Learsing flexible in its structure of periodic payments that are perfectly suited to the needs of each user.
This feature adds three basic options that may be available to the lessee at the end of contract period: First, the tenant may choose to buy either a residual value. The second option is to extend or renew the contract and, as a third possibility the contract expires with no further obligation to lease can be a domestic or foreign.

should also be noted that this financing mechanism is based on two distinct features of the property subject to security: the ownership and use. Because the company buys the right to use an asset for a predetermined time without the need to commit to purchase. In this way the user company is in leasing and ownership entity, a landlord. The Learsing comes to a commercial contract, yet typical, reciprocal and expensive, have a continuous duration in time.

Elements Involved in the Learsing
  1. lessor Company or landlord.
  2. Lessee or tenant.
  3. Contract specification of goods.
  4. residual value.
This financial instrument credit allows a natural or legal person can access a credit line of medium and long term to finance acquisition of fixed assets.

here plays as a fundamental guarantee the mortgage. The contribution of the Bank or financial institution will be up to an amount of 75%, while the applicant provides the other 25%. The limit the credit is allocated according to the monthly capacity to present the credit applicant. An important feature is that the bill may be traded on the Stock Exchange. It is also important to note that these credits can be both legal persons in case of commercial enterprises, as dependent and independent individuals, provided they maintain a significant income and meets the requirements of the bank. A variant of this instrument is the negotiable mortgage title and becomes support for merchants who have property and wish to arrange bank loans.

  1. the issuing bank.
  2. The letter mortgage.
  3. intermediary institution.
  4. Conditions required by law.
Factoring is one by which a financial institution known factor undertakes to buy (outright purchase) Current Assets such as the Bills, Notes, Invoices and credits (outstanding liabilities) whose ownership corresponds customers as a result of the operations of marketing goods or services made by these third parties, for a certain sum.

In simplest terms, is an operation or financial management technique by which an employer handles the exclusive claims against third parties that results in its business to a factor which may be a bank or financial , which is responsible for managing and accounting for such credits, which can assume the risk of insolvency of debtors of the receivables, as well as the mobilization of such by the advance of those in favor of his client. This operation involves both the customer and the billing company also called Factor. (Financial Company or the Bank that authorized by law).

If the company has working capital, but customers have asked for financial solvency and advance payments on account of orders, these documents may be established as instruments of collateral for credit in the banking system. This allows rapid attainment of short-term liquidity, the same can serve as backup for commercial operations by the company or client. Factoring in turn is divided into the following categories:

1. Factoring financing.
2. Factoring without funding.

1. Factor
2. Factor.
3. Guarantee documents.
4. Contract.

This is also a credit financial instrument designated as negotiable instrument that has the same nature and characteristics very different from the Commercial Invoice. The only similarity we find is that the described property and credit sales transaction documents contain both belong to the same transaction. A of advantages over the bill of exchange or promissory note is that the bill is made up title causal value, because it provided evidence of the existence of a commercial transaction that creates or causes the issue, outlined in detail the subject of trade goods credit which represents partial or full payment, and constitutes acknowledgment of receipt of such property by the debtor, with the deferred payment agreement. It also represents the security right on the property described in the title.

For the retailer will have more confidence this new title-value because it is very easy to prove the cause of law and also to keep on goods sold on credit, preferred security interest that is not achieved by simply using the letter. In short, we can say that the factory made a negotiable instrument caused nominative and transferable by endorsement, also represents the right to claim arising in the commercial transaction that arises, and the preferential right of pledge on the goods described therein title, whose price has been deferred payment with a guarantee of their own property.

1. Made up the name Bill.
2. Place and date of issue.
3. Name or corporate name of the seller.
4. Detailed description of the goods sold.
5. Unit prices and totals of the merchandise.
6. The amount paid by the buyer.
7. The expected date for payment.
8. The signature of both seller and buyer.

Within active operations of banks, credit syndication is a new form of syndicated loans that promote a number of national and foreign banks to a company that requires financial resources of great value, which is usually long term.

This appropriation is apportioned under the same terms and conditions for an individual credit agreement.

These loans are offered under a single interest rate and the same guarantee, the banks participating in the unionization are united in the performance and accountability.

The syndicated loan participants includes all types of institutions institutions, including international banks or banking agent being a leader who leads and coordinates the amounts, timing and facilities payments and the recipient of the funds until the maturity of the projects implementation.

syndication credits is under the new banking law and enter to work as a form of bank credit as of July 1992. Today many business enterprises in our country are asking syndicated loan from foreign bank branches, especially by low interest rates and extended financing terms.

While this credit mode is new, not others indicate that their knowledge in the commercial sector is required for credit transactions even within the country.