Most English Karate activity concentrated in Ciudad Real, over the past four days, from 24 to 27 March this 2011.
began with the course of arbitration, which breaks a year and a positive statistic, and increase the number of new candidates for judges and arbitrators, a total that exceeded twenties. With a total attendance that exceeded the number of eighty national arbitrators in that course, little that is new and where the current regulation remains in force, with the long-awaited change that much has been said, is a new system for next year supposedly. Thus predicted and that next year, will expand even more participation in the national course of arbitration.
From these lines to congratulate the national commission for their work, which I know has been much more than expected. The competition is based on competitors, but without good referees decay competition.
Participation in a championship Spain is much more that the act of participating, the winner gets more than a trophy, also a "Title " because it gives you a title valid for one year and the winner gets the title champion Spain to the next dedición.
The English karate is too obsessed with these " titles," which means that each issue be harder, if possible, than before. What began as an amateur championship for many years, has become a professional sport and competition, athletes in training and specialization courses its large majority in a discipline (mostly Kumite), not to mention a few skills that lead them to be all the evidence. If and I mean in all, I think few of these, very few karateka who are in all rounds of the championship. When I say all I mean a karateka who is in a whole championship in Spain, participating in team kumite, and individual, team and individual kata, and also before the Open. Now a total of four tests, that is the karateka Toledo July Cuadra, and to my knowledge, is the only thing that makes this feat today.
Being umpiring could see little that was not concerning my tatami and each tatami have some categories and some money, that even a senior competition is very different from each other. The weights, say much because there weights are very fast and have to be very visual acuity in the +84 kg weight, the fight is usually slower. I am referring to a meeting of -75 +84 kilos to one of kilos, mobility and transport as well as actions can be duplicated in the lighter, very easily.

Saturday began with teams of kumite, where in other mat Castilla-La Mancha and Madrid were beating on their opponents and reaching the final, if it last year 2010, Castilla-La Mancha was a success to be 3, for the first time in the history of karate manchego, in this form of kumite teams, this year has been a landmark . That, as it reflects the language academy is " united immediately", I still remember the words of the regional coach Antonio Paniagua, last year, we could have gotten into the final!. As the fate would have it be in our lands of La Mancha where he wrote this quest.
I can not talk of the encounters because the only thing I could see was the final and lost by 3-0 to the almighty Madrid. In on 1 match against Fernando Badas lost, 2 and Raul missed a 3 that missed Álvaro Carmona. This is the first time you reach the end, the story does not end here, otherwise it continues. The podium of equipment that are unambiguous and Madrid and Basque, year after year, and there are already several years in a row ... this year, others have been back the Basques and La Rioja, is last, and not surprised to win the bronze if not, the good team that has been set.

Fernando Moreno, Julio Cuadra, Alvaro Jimenez, Adrian San Jose, Jesus Aparicio, Miguel Chaves, Raul Ramos.
In quipos female kumite, a hard-fought final between Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, where the Balearic resisted very well, three competitors, two are almost certain assets and Catalan only one, and the dispute was adjusted to the end. Champion in this category Baleares and Catalonia, which resisted very well, making a very good end, and especially close.
teams in men's kata, Madrid much higher in the final against Cantabria, a 5-0 clear. I would have liked to see that hypothetical Madrid-Valencia ... but could not be, will be a year of these to make sure. Valencia had to settle for bronze, next to La Rioja. Where there is already to say, La Rioja has been the federation "revelation" of this issue, one more bronze.
In women's team kata, the kata again Shitoryu to power four medals, three for new Shitoryu style, gold and silver, plus a bronze. Madrid and Valencia reached the final, where Madrid beat Valencia, the Canaries and Galicia third, Galicia is up with drive through a broad commitment to young people.
Here is a picture of the performance of Castilla-León, which shows a little deviation in the team, and one of the Unsu Bunkai.
individual in karate, I believe have stood out for various reasons. A aroused much excitement in karate manchego, Yaiza Martin , its strength and dominance in the category solo kata which was 1 st, but surprised many when they saw the protections of Kumite, many did not assume that was the same and where again won a medal for the Valencian federation being third. As one more of those rare "multi-purpose karate, which I just missed being in the team kumite, in order to match with Julio Cuadra participation in each and every one of the tests allowed.
As karateka style Shotokan in individual kata appoint Leon Castilian Belén Martínez, could only be third, but is the only non-Shitoryu the podium. Yaiza and Sonia García who contested the final, and a third Fatima Acuña de Canarias, which was less than, and won the Castilian Mancha, Sandra Sanchez in the race for the bronze. La Mancha made a brilliant tournament, most notably the best.
Sandra Sanchez running against Fatima Acuña.
kata in the final of men, is again the same as the previous year, changing the order of factors is ie by changing Aka Ao, and the same result with the former 4-1, to Aka. This year he Damian Hugo Fernando Quintero of San Jose Aka and Ao, and the same kata as last year, Suparinpei. Appoint the other party, as in females, are exceptional young José Manuel Carbonell, now rubs shoulders with you to you, with the largest and Marcos Valentine, another who is a regular at the podiums.

San José Adrián 3 rd in the championship of Spain.
in individual kumite is to miss six tatami working, so I will appoint those who can, the La Mancha were going a few rounds and in many there was hope, which some continued and others fell, but in these, the fight that came into play-offs continued to fight particular for being on the podium, and fell to last pass, but he got there and got Raul Ramos Duenas that solo medal in kumite -84 kg, shortly after San Jose would be Adrian + 84 kg, well this karateka manchego and the nickname of "the salt Castilla-La Mancha ", since it takes a few years it decides in the end the direction of the team, so that this individual also on the podium is an added bonus and well deserved.

A final apotheosis, some said that my association with La Mancha, I dunno, but the end of Fernando Moreno Paz Madrid the great champion Antonio Sanchez Estepa in kumite -75 kg, which for me, was the best finish, that reminds me that " victories against big more victories." A meeting to four minutes, Fernando and Antonio took the center where the Spaniard went ahead with a cuff technique, Fernando was in the middle, Antonio Fernando tried turning over and over again chudan technique for Antonio 2-0, was still long time, almost two minutes and Fernando began to be the attacker, Antonio real professional on hold with a minimum lead to the end, two points could be expected to maintain this difference, but time was short, and it became very difficult to Fernando, Antonio slipped very well and not let anyone catch anywhere, the manchego intensified and spent time ... less than six seconds from the end at last got a Ura mawashi jodan, which gave him a 2-3, the discount begin that six seconds, Antonio went for it, but virtually no time to react. Intense combat and very good it was a gold for the host federation.

Fernando told me after the meeting that half of this victory is due also to his brother Alberto Moreno, with whom he practiced daily, and who else has had to endure his shots ... well nothing congratulations to both.

& Alberto Fernando, during their workouts.
Speaking to the media , Fernando explained that "it was very hard, but the key was that when he went 2-0 down I got nervous. I knew I just needed a kick in the head for three points and held my quite calmly. "

Another intense battle was to Oscar Martinez of Quel, beat the Spaniard Adrian Lueje, with a difference of eight points.
The last final arbitrated by the referee manchego Francisco José Carretero between the two Madrid Ricardo Javier Barbero and Badas, finally giving champion Ricardo. Both are components of the regional team in Madrid. Kumite female
In addition to what has already been discussed in Yaiza, a fireproof Natalia Garcia Suarez of Cantabria, who won a closely contested matches Lara Lamb with Canary, a champion Natalia year in Spain, magnificent champion.

Balearic Islands in the final two, one in -68 kg and the other in -61 kg. Irene Colomar Costa won the Madrid Marta Parrilla and Cristina Ferrer García to Madrid also Stephanie Martinez. Two golds and two silvers for Balearic more to Madrid.
Combat Marta Irene Colomar & Grill.
This championship has left a medal, where the President of Castilla-La Mancha Don Javier Pineño, estimated that we would be among the top eight, and if we are "seventh" comtartiendo box or sixth, because we are level on Canary
Madrid is established as an absolute winner with three gold, eight silver (making a total of nine observations) and seven bronzes for a total of eighteen medals at four of his nearest rival federation Balearic third Valencia, Andalusia and La Rioja fifth quarter (advance four places from last year), "sixth" and equal to medals in the box, Canary Islands and Castilla-La Mancha with an identical result ( one gold, one silver and two bronze). Castilla-La Mancha, which last year was the tenth second to advance well, almost six posts ...

the opening ceremony in the sports council and the presidents of Spain, Don Antonio Moreno and Castilla-La Mancha, Don Javier Pineño be flattered with commemorative details.

The show on Saturday afternoon, several activities took place, a massive participation of young karateka Ciudad, by clubs, Ciudad Real and Fitness Shotokan Bunkai. An exhibition of Tai-jitsu and then ample demonstration of Kobudo, by the maestro José Miguel Gómez Calderat and a large group of students.
championship in these competitions you can meet people, now barely remember, but because the karate and the championship is on our land, you could easily find old friends, or old competitors, like it was. Some and some came to greet me and sometimes I went to greet them.
But I was expecting an old master, my second teacher . Hugo Alvarez Angles, who was as surprised as me to see him here, because I knew who was in Peru. But it has come to Spain to try and make technical exchanges between Spain and Peru.
I do not forget, if not, keep it to the end.
emotional tribute to Don Alberto Aragón Cotillas for their commitment to arbitration, but as you said the President of the Royal English Federation of Karate, Antonio Moreno Marqueño, word of which I agree, one by one and some more ... and Alberto was the person who helped us in the arbitration and who were attending to clarify any doubts, almost all new contender for years and always had time to explain or give us your idea on the issue raised. I loved his explanation of the kata competitive which is quite an eminence. Act
filled of emotions, mainly of the honoree, after all those who admire him for his lengthy career, his worth and his cherished friendship.
came to these lands of La Mancha, Ciudad Real precisely, as a technician and teacher of Karate and teach courses on everything from higher Katas Shito-ryu. His knowledge of kata I have never ceased to surprise. So I've learned a lot from him, arbitration and kata, but also and mainly of camaraderie. My friend
THANKS for your help, your teachings , and above all trust and your friendship. What if I were to value one by one, each and separately, would not know which to put first.
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