Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bubble On Gum In Mouth That Was Filled With Blood


Can you issue a certificate of final completion if not installed the required Transformer Medium Voltage?
Pere-Joan Torrent Riberto. Advocate
Certificate of Completion means that all the work and facilities in the project, and has been the subject of planning permission for works are completed and agreed precisely with that project. With the above premise, we can answer the question. If the Center Medium Voltage Transformation in draft executive, and this center has not been installed, the Certificate of Completion can not be issued, for the simple reason that the work is not completed by project. However, if this Center although mandatory, is not included in the draft works, for whatever reason, the architect can issue the Certificate of Completion, which is to certify that all work under the project has been implemented and therefore have been completed the works. Here we not discern why the project does not contain the required Transformer Medium Voltage, or where is this center. I am simply saying that if the center is not on the project has obtained planning permission, the Certificate of Completion can be issued. The same could be said of lift required. If for whatever reason, a construction project does not provide the lift required, and has obtained planning permission, architect director works may issue the final certificate of work, without installation of the lift required. One thing different will be the legality of the license granted to a housing project without the required lift.


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