school and shooting practice in the Normal School late nineteenth century, the school aims to assist the formation of nationality to solve the problem of vulnerability Argentina:
"A country not yet fully formed company of which received an influx of immigration was growing in full transformation" (Bertoni. 2001: 120). In this sense "
were invented and developed practices, symbols and national content, and valued the potential of unifying the past and present, to build, nurture and retain citizenship Argentina (Bertoni. 2001: 120).
In this paper we refer to the creation of school battalions and military training in schools, understanding both of these activities as part of national training courses.
This patriotic education took militaristic connotations especially when increased the chances of war with Chile, because of the conflict on the Marking of the boundaries between the two countries. Then the idea was to modernize the military and the compulsory enrollment in the National Guard, for all Argentines aged between 17 and 50. In this context
first appear
school battalions. Since the National Government drove these formations, which pooled school education with practice and military exercises. Children were trained and disciplined for "
some army officers and enthusiastic " (The Monitor, quoted in Bertoni. 2001: 91). Uniformed and armed soldiers, military parades in public events with army units. Bertoni explains "
What had started more or less improvised, was taken in 1888 officially by the CNE (National Council of Education), which funded the costumes and weaponry to the children of four graduate schools that were organized in battalions (Bertoni. 2001: 91). The battalions generated popular enthusiasm and patriotic commitment in society, while that promoted patriotic education of children.
Its creation was justified not as a military training for a war situation but as a form of moral education:
"These parties you wish to print a few more marked and distinctive stamp, putting in the hands of real children and tiny guns loaded with bullets Keupp cannons and gunpowder (...) not symbolize a warrior spirit, or the desire to wield weapons in combat against anyone, but to fortify their children in body and spirit, awakening in youth a sense of nationality and the awareness of a parental duty imposed on all his children " ( Bertoni. 2001: 92). Military readiness was seen as central in the formation of nationality.
Inserted in this context, in 1899 the Normal School Teachers trained the battalion known as "Los Pozos", under the direction of Army officers. "
paraded in a ceremony held in the Parque Lezama, as recorded in a photograph published in the journal Faces and Masks. In a room on the ground floor of the school were lined up in a few dozen yards Mauser rifles, and in a locked cabinet boxes deposited with blanks. (Astolfi.1974: 157). To which Mestroni adds: "
During the period that I was a student and even a few years later the house was also a weapons depot. In a toilet room, accessible through the central corridor of the ground floor, were kept some dozens of Mauser rifles. I have understood that before my income components were used by the School Battalion "Los Pozos" to be exercised in their use and marched in patriotic ceremonies, soldiers who were students in the normal course and were commanded by army officers. The flag of the battalion became friendly and jealously kept in a glass case of the regent. Many years, we observed (Mestroni. 1965: 79).
On the other hand, besides the creation of school battalions in 1895, implemented the program of military training and target practice in the national schools and colleges, third, fourth and fifth year, thus creating a special chair. "
teachers were appointed to the faculty of the Army official line, it was decided that this teaching was given a practical and educational institutions provided the weapons and clothing (Bertoni. 2001: 235). At that time there was a huge boost to the target practice. War Minister General Riccheri provided strong support for distributing weapons, ammunition and prize donations to encourage the participation of the youth and supported the establishment of parks in cities and towns. National defense was the main objective. Functioned as a potential way of training soldiers Training national and national morale.
Despite the climate of intense patriotic and martial CNE elementary schools stayed away.
was developed at that time a discussion between proponents of military training and those who supported a different orientation for school physical education that had as purpose the development of the child. Some teachers understood that military action was contrary to the laws of the harmonious development of the body of school-age children. At the same time thought that "the battalion
school, far from facilitating the task, from the standpoint of conserving discipline is often a cause of melee and disorder (Bertoni. 2001: 231). For example, the Assembly of Teachers of August 28, 1894, declared against military training in primary school physical education in favor based on the development of the child (justified in the modern educational trends.) This guidance is stated in the educational institutions with the reform of 1898 which, following advice from Paul Pizzurno regulated physical education in schools (Bertoni. 2001: 236). Not eliminated, however, the practice of military exercises and firing in the secondary schools are still considered essential for military training of the population. But this measure failed to define clearly the differences between the two activities, physical and military understanding that their purposes were not equivalent.
these changes may explain the dissolution of the School Battalion "Los Pozos" in 1901. But the shooting instruction for students of the Normal School continued dictating. Astolfi explained that "
The battalion was disbanded in 1901, but the weapon was used for the instruction of students of 3 rd and 4 th year by a lieutenant. Consisted of theoretical and practical lessons on handling the gun and its machinery, and changes gears and simple. For a brief time, there practice target shooting in the backyard. The noise, which disturbed the classes and any possible danger, advised its suppression (Astolfi. 1974: 157). In the same vein, Mestroni that "... these weapons
was used for military education of students in higher grades of the teachers, for which an officer was attending every week to provide such education. The exercises were carried out in the large back yard. Of course the shots were made with blank ammunition with due care to avoid any accident. In any case it is true that we have learned at home handling the rifle and the complex mechanism of its different parts. Periodically, a worker in the revised Military Arsenal weapons and was responsible for their care and proper lubrication. All this was done by higher provision and I suppose you would take on all other secondary schools (Mestroni. 1975: 79).
address Gymnastics Tyre and the War Office was responsible for the activity. In addition to appointing instructors to schools, assistance and distributed controlled military training programs.
With the arrival of Paul to the address Pizzurno Normal School, military training seems to be overlooked. "The thought of Pizzurno
was ecumenical; was inspired by the achievements of civilization Western Europe, while still feeling that what is ours. Had a concept of patriotism, expressed repeatedly in his speeches and writings, based on morality, civility, duty, tolerance (Astolfi. 1974:169). So was against empty patriotism. "We repelled the insolence
aggressive declamation hollow and insubstantial." We mentioned that his ideas for targeted physical education of the child development are used for regulating the matter in 1898, which is opposed to military exercises.
Anyway, it is unclear at what point are ended shooting classes. A element that appears to show this, is the donation of the 80 Mauser rifles that had the school, to an orphanage. In an indictment, it is the delivery of the guns "requested by the Charitable Society for Orphans Asylum." Expressed that they were ordered on March 4, 1910 and delivered on 7 April.
In a report dating from March 4, 1910, the Charitable Society of the Capital requested the donation of the Orphan Asylum rifles.
What is interesting here is the fact that it mentions that the existing guns in the Normal School "no longer provide services of any kind." It seems that the activity had ended.
The Historical Archives of the school has historical sources that help in reconstructing the history of education in our country. In this journey I have tried to show how to insert the Normal School in the construction of nationality in the late nineteenth century, with the cases of the formation of battalions and military training school, which takes place in the same facilities as we walk today every day. Bibliography
-Astolfi, Jose Carlos (1974) "History of the Normal School Mariano Acosta." Buenos Aires 1974.
-BERTONI, Ana Lilia (2001) Patriots, cosmopolitans and nationalists. Construction of nationality the late nineteenth century. " Bs As, Fondo de Cultura Economica.
-MESTRONI, Valentin (1965) "The teachers I've had." Bs As, Plus Ultra.